Friday, March 2, 2012

How to Tackle Gourmet Cooking at Home

Many restaurants charge a lot for what they call "gourmet food", but often these dishes are just ordinary food prepared with extreme attention to detail. In fact, the secrets to gourmet cooking are proper garnishing and proper flavor proportion.

As opposed to fast food, gourmet cooking is done with stricter attention to and concern for sanitation, taste, excellence, and presentation. One very common trick performed by gourmet chefs is to tickle the taste buds with a lot of fats, seasonings and spices. For example, when you cook at home you use typical cooking oil sold in supermarkets. However, restaurant gourmet chefs cook with a full-fat method, using olive oil or butter instead of margarine or cooking oil. They also choose fatty meat cuts and use milk instead of cream. All these methods better bring out the flavors of an elaborate meal. In fact, most gourmet steaks are cooked drenched in loads of butter.

When you shop for ingredients for home style gourmet cooking, don't forget to buy spices and seasonings of high quality. This is a time-tested way to jazz up your home cooked meals and make them taste more like the ones for which you wait half an hour in posh restaurants.

Of course, before you select your spices you must shop for the raw materials - the main ingredients. Make sure you only buy ingredients which are fresh and organic. Yes, this includes even the flavorings; these should be organic too. For example, say that you're aiming to cook some authentic Italian food tonight. You can fake gourmet cooking by purchasing fresh pasta instead of dried pasta. And if you and your family love pasta and you're feeling really adventurous, you can your own make homemade noodles with a high-grade pasta machine.

Growing your own spices and herbs will also help. Put your large garden to use by planting spices such as chili, onions, and garlic. The fresher and more organic they are, the better they will taste when mixed with your main course. Further, you can save lots of time and money with this method because organically grown spices are generally very expensive. Even though less expensive powdered versions are available, these kinds of shortcuts are considered crimes against gourmet cooking.

If you're itching to prepare a gourmet dish, just spend a little more time in the kitchen with those fresh ingredients and a trusty DIY gourmet cookbook.

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Wesley Lancombe has spent several years learning gourmet cooking and enjoys sharing his experiences with others. He now focuses on purchasing and testing several brands of kitchen appliances, and is in the process of compiling reviews.

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