Sunday, March 18, 2012

Finding the Perfect Dog Food

Finding the perfect dog food for your dog can be difficult and incredibly frustrating, especially since the industry has not been truthful in terms of the production of dog food. Recent reports and news has shown us that dog food companies have been forced to recall some of their brands - due to dangerous ingredients in the food- and the worry that their questionable processing techniques will be exposed to the public.

Most of us know that junk food isn't good for us, and the world at large is beginning to understand that we have suffered somewhat at the hands of the food industry due to preservatives and other techniques that are used to increase profits (but drop the quality and nutritional value of the food.) Consumerism and marketing, the 'bottom-line' and the increasing of profits have led to all sorts of 'shortcuts' to decrease costs and preserve food that are not good for us in the least. We have not, unfortunately, taken this thinking to our dog's health and have the mistaken assumption that food process techniques of dog food companies must be fine, or that our dog is tough enough to handle pretty much any food. Just like junk food, dog food can be tasty, but provides no nutritional value - and even MORE concerning is the fact that the preservatives and chemicals used in dog food were banned from human food years ago due to these chemicals being dangerous and the cause of numerous diseases and sicknesses.

Any dog lover will be concerned for their dog's health, and should take every precaution necessary to ensure it. When our dog is sick, we take it to the vet, but often we can never quite figure out the CAUSES of the sicknesses. Just like with humans, the causes of dog ailments may be the very food we feed them every day. In fact, that is probably THE very cause. The food may be poisoning your dog, and you don't even know about it!

Feeding your dog the wrong kind of food results in an unnatural limited lifespan for your dog, and can destroy your dog's quality of life and cause your dog to behave awkwardly. Processed dog food causes many issues such as fatigue, aggression, timidity or even epilepsy. It also is the cause of many diseases such as cancer, chronic skin infections, ear infections, and flea or worm infections. Furthermore, it causes weak and deformed bones, kidney failure and can cause a dog to heal very slowly and unnaturally when he/she gets hurt. No amount of expensive 'gourmet' brand of dog food can actually sort out the problem, because the 'gourmet' food is processed exactly the same as the cheaper dog food - with chemicals like Sodium Pentobarbital which is highly destructive and causes cancer.

It is clear, both from what we see on the news and from what we are experiencing, that dog food companies do not have both dogs and the owners of dogs' best interests at heart. They are mass-producing junk food for our dogs and expecting us not to take notice. We have to take our own much loved best friend's health into our own hands, and learn the dog food secrets that will ensure our dog will be happy, full of energy, and live for as long as they should without suffering from ailments.

Lawrence Perrino

A dog lover and research scientist.

"Stop Killing Your Dog"

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