Monday, November 30, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Variations on Tiramisu'

If your major worry is that Tiramisu' can contribute to your weight watch terror , here you can find some good and easy going alternatives to what makes it so fat, that is replacing Mascarpone.

This is in fact the worst (although the most tasty) ingredient that forms such a good goodie.

Well, let's keep it straight: as an alternative to Mascarpone, you can use:

Ricotta cheese, melted gently with the sugar, and subsequently all the usual ingredients or

Cottage cheese, again melted as above or

Tofu, which would make it perfect for those who are intolerant to Lactose.

The list can be very long.... feel free to add if you have further suggestion which can contribute to this special dessert, renown all over the world.