Saturday, March 31, 2012

Ciambella marmorizzata

Per tutti i bimbi (e non solo), tanto amanti del cacao...ecco una vera leccornia genuina e nutriente, ideale sia a merenda sia a colazione...una deliziosa ciambella preparata con 2 impasti, ad uno dei quali è aggiunto il cacao in polvere che lo rende scuro e che, mescolato all'altro impasto determina delle striature simili al marmo...di qui il nome di marmorizzata...

Portare il burro a temperatura ambiente e metterlo a pezzetti in una ciotola. Lavorarlo con le fruste a crema insieme allo zucchero. Aggiungere le uova, il sale, la vanillina ed il liquore e lavorare per una decina di minuti fino ad ottenere una crema senza grumi. Mescolare la farina e la frumina setacciate con la bustina di lievito ed aggiungerle al composto, alternandole con il latte intiepidito. Dovrà risultarne una pastella piuttosto densa, che divideremo in due, ad una delle quali aggiungeremo il cacao amaro. Versare l'impasto chiaro in uno stampo per ciambella imburrato ed infarinato e, sopra di esso, l'impasto al quale è stato aggiunto il cacao. Per ottenere l'effetto marmorizzato, con una forchetta attraversare a spirale i due impasti. Infornare la ciambella per una cinquantina di minuti a 170° in forno preriscaldato. Una volta intiepidita, sfornare la ciambella che all'interno si presenterà come in figura...

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Spinacina casalinga

Talvolta, riprodurre ai fornelli di casa propria piatti già pronti in commercio è assai più semplice di quanto si possa pensare. Ve ne daremo dimostrazione oggi con la preparazione di una gustosa spinacina casalinga. Basta armarsi di un pò di pazienza, una fettina di petto di pollo, qualche fogliolina di spinaci (benissimo, in alternativa, anche quelli surgelati), e il gioco è presto fatto!

Innanzitutto facciamo saltare gli spinaci in padella con un pò d'olio e li regoliamo di sale

Facciamo asciugare per bene il liquido di cottura, li tritiamo e li distribuiamo su metà fetta di pollo

Copriamo con una sottiletta

e chiudiamo la fetta di carne a portafoglio

La passiamo prima nella farina sigillando bene i bordi

poi nell'uovo battuto e salato

ed infine nel pangrattato (meglio se un pò più doppio), premendo bene il fagotto

Portiamo l'olio a temperatura e vi immergiamo la spinacina

regolando la fiamma affinché il pollo cuocia bene anche all'interno, su entrambi i lati

La ripassiamo su carta assorbente per asciugare l'unto in eccesso ed eccola qua impiattata!

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Pollo al forno

Il pollo si presta davvero a numerosissime preparazioni, alcune delle quali richiedono l'utilizzo di tutte le parti di esso, come nella ricetta che segue; altre prevedono l'impiego solo di alcune parti, così come avviene per le gustosissime alette di pollo fritte o per gli involtini ripieni, laddove si farciscono solo le fette di petto. Tra le ricette più conosciute spiccano il pollo alla birra, il pollo alla cacciatora, pollo e peperoni, il brodo di pollo, il pollo alla diavola, nonché l'immancabile e classico pollo al aforno. Lo si può cucinare intero, allo spiedo, oppure a pezzi; lo si può gustare da solo o con un bel piatto di patate, anch'esse cotte al forno, sì da ricavare un secondo piatto completo e sicuramente il preferito dai bambini

Innanzitutto, tagliamo il pollo a pezzi, lo adagiamo in una teglia (perfette quelle ormai introvabili di alluminio) sul cui fondo avremo versato l'olio e iniziamo ad aromatizzarlo con la cipolla ed il rosmarino

poi con la spolverata di mix di spezie

infine, coi semi di peperoncino piccante ed il sale

Inforniamo per un quarto d'ora a 200° in forno preriscaldato e ventilato, giriamo i pezzi e bagniamo col vino

Ancora una mezz'oretta in forno fino a che i pezzi risultino ben rosolati. Ed eccolo pronto!

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Quick Stews

Braised or simmered, these dishes from chef Galen Zamarra of Mas in New York City are as satisfying and wine-friendly as stews, but without the wait.

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Satisfying Fall Soups

From creamy chicken to miso with shrimp and tofu, F&W’s Grace Parisi creates a delightful collection of superb main-course soups.

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Bruschette di ceci

I ceci costituiscono un alimento molto completo, dalle proprietà benefiche per il nostro organismo, soprattutto a vantaggio del cuore e contro il colesterolo. Squisiti protagonisti di diverse ricette, dalla zuppa, al piatto di pasta, in salsa, o come accompagnamento a secondi, anche di pesce, come il baccalà...oggi li prepariamo con del buon pane casereccio abbrustolito...ecco le bruschette ai ceci

Dopo aver tenuto i ceci in ammollo dalla sera prima, li lessiamo in acqua salata per una quarantina di minuti. Prepariamo un soffritto di olio e aglio

Vi facciamo insaporire i ceci, aggiungendo anche un pò della loro acqua di cottura

Regoliamo di sale e di pepe

e lasciamo così cuocere fino a che i ceci non si riducano quasi a crema. Un trito fine di prezzemolo fresco, un pò di olio piccante...

e spalmiamo il composto sulle fette di pane appena abbrustolito

Le facciamo riposare giusto per qualche minuto e le serviamo in tavola

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Cotolette di pollo

Le cotolette di pollo sono il secondo preferito dai bambini (e spesso anche dai più cresciutiInnocent). Sono fettine di pollo impanate con (farina, facoltativa, per una panure più corposa), uovo e pangrattato. Osservando lo stesso procedimento di preparazione, si può sostituire il pollo anche con fettine di carne di vitello. Non ci resta che battere le uova in un piatto capiente e salarle, e poi disporre altrettanto la farina ed il pangrattato in altri due piatti.

Paniamo dapprima le fette di carne nella farina

poi, nel battuto di uova salate

ed infine nel pangrattato. Per rendere ancora più gustosa la panatura, si possono ripetere i passaggi nelle uova e nel pangrattato. Nondimeno, è possibile sostituire al pangrattato, un "trito casalingo" di pane raffermo

Portiamo l'olio per frittura a temperatura e vi immergiamo le fettine panate

Regoliamo la fiamma per far cuocere la carne anche all'interno e su entrambi i lati

Asciughiamo l'unto in eccesso su carta alimentare

e serviamo le nostre cotolette calde calde!

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Pizza con peperoni, capperi e olive

Il sole di questi giorni fa proprio venire in mente i tipici sapori estivi e cosa cè di meglio di un ortaggio come il peperone, ricco di vitamine? In abbinamento, poi, alla pizza, se ne ricava un piatto unico, gustoso e completo. Oggi prepariamo insieme una pizza con peperoni, capperi e olive

Facciamo imbiondire gli spicchi d'aglio nell'olio

Aggiungiamo i filetti di peperoni misti

poi, i capperi (poiché già salati, non aggiungeremo altro sale)

e le olive nere denocciolate

Lasciamo soffriggere per circa un quarto d'ora. Nel frattempo, stendiamo l'impasto della pizza in un'apposita teglia ben oleata

Inforniamo per una decina di minuti a 190° e poi farciamo la pizza col condimento di peperoni

Aggiungiamo la scamorza e la spolverata di origano

Inforniamo per un altro quarto d'ora circa ed ecco pronta la nostra pizza gustosa e profumata

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The Ultimate Room Service Experience

The rattling of the cart. The lifting of the dome. The signing of the bill. The letdown of the meal! We wish all room service menus were as dreamy as the 24-hour one we've concocted here.

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Rena Runs a Video Test

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Polpi affogati

I polpi affogati costituiscono un piatto tipico della cucina mediterranea, anticamente venduta nei vicoli di Napoli insieme al più classico "brodo di polpo". Infatti la tradizione vuole che il polpo si cuocia nella sua acqua, lentamente, Per un buona riuscita della ricetta, è indispensabile l'utilizzo di polpi veraci, teneri e freschissimi. Sovente, col sughetto di cottura, ci si condisce anche un bel piatto di spaghetti!

Facciamo dunque imbiondire l'aglio nell'olio versato nel fondo di un tegame e, quando gli spicchi sono dorati, aggiungiamo il peperoncino e i polpi puliti e lavati

Li facciamo rosolare e poi sfumiamo col vino bianco fino a farlo avaporare

Regoliamo di sale e di pepe e aggiungiamo i pomodori lavati e tagliati a spicchi grossi

Coperchiamo e lasciamo cuocere per circa mezz'ora a fuoco medio.

Ecco fatto...profumati e freschissimi...un bel trito di prezzemolo e serviamo caldi caldi!

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Thanksgiving Sides

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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Gourmet Gifts And Other Ways To Say I Love You

Expressing your love for someone may require a lot of courage and a great deal of effort. Others may resort to composing songs and writing poems just to let their special someone feel and know how much they love them. Sweet as it may be, your loved one might still think that it is out of fashion. I know it may be hard, especially because it can be very intimidating. Saying "I love you" may be the most common thing to let your loved one feel your affection for them, but it is not the only way. There are many more creative and one of a kind ways to do it. Whether it is your first time to say it, or the thousandth time, or even after doing it over and over again, she will still be surprised every time, especially if you do it creatively. Read on and learn from a few of my suggestions on how to say "I love you" creatively.

If you are one who happens to have a big back yard that is flat and full of lush, green, grass, then you are lucky because that can be used to propose your feelings. You can mow her name and the 3 magic words on the lawn and let her see it from the window of your room upstairs. Oh, and make sure to blindfold her first to fully surprise her.

Similar to the first, you can also do a loving gesture by taking her on a walk down the beach, where you already carved or wrote her name on the sand using a stick or using white rocks or pebbles. If you want to make it more extravagant, you can prepare a dinner for the both of you. What can be more romantic than having a dinner on the beach after watching the sunset with the most special person in the world for you.

There are also simpler ways to do it but just as romantic as the others, like writing sweet nothings on an entire pad of post-it notes and sticking them on her bedroom walls, desk, vanity mirror, car or front door. It is indeed witty, yet I am pretty sure that she will find it cute and lovely.

Lastly, you can give her a present and a card to go along with it. Write a short but very sweet message for her. A perfect gift would be a gourmet gift which you can eat together during a picnic you prepared. Gourmet foods would be the perfect goodies to bring with you on a perfect date in a romantic place. It is thoughtfulness at its best because not only are you giving her a treat, but you are making sure as well that what she eats is healthy and delicious. Also, all gourmet gifts are wrapped in a fancy wrapper, thus, making it elegant and wonderful.

There are a million ways to say how much you love a person. All you have to do is to be creative and make sure that what you are doing is sincere. Keep surprising her every time and I am sure she will be thankful all her life for having you.

David Bennet is a young businessman who loves to surf the web for things he can buy online. Most of the things he looks for are Gourmet Gifts which he gives to loved ones and friends to show appreciation and his love for them.

The Chocolate Experts

Five bakers tell you everything you want to know about the food of the gods.

By Dorie Greenspan, Peggy Cullen, Nick Malgieri, François Payard, Colette Peters

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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Become a Successful Vegan with Smart Food Substitutions

Though the reasons may vary, veganism is on the rise. Some do it for health reasons, other do it for environmental reasons while still others do it for ethical reasons. Regardless of what your reason is, going from a cuisine that includes meats and dairy to one that is devoid of any animal produced substance can be extremely hard. While some of us may be able to go cold turkey, most of us need to be weaned off our habits and this includes meat and dairy. Here are some great ways to start working towards a completely vegan cuisine.

Say Goodbye to Sugar: Were you worried? Thought you had to face a life without the sweets that get you through the day? While processed sugar is a big "no no" in the vegan lifestyle, you can still cater to your sweet tooth with natural sweeteners. One of the best vegan friendly sugar replacements is agave juice or syrup.

Agave is close to one and a half times sweeter than sugar which means you'll have to use less to get the same sweet effect. Much like honey and maple syrup, it can be used as a sugar substitute in desserts, entrees, and beverages. Guava nectar is free of chemicals and low on the Glycemic Index which makes it great sweeteners with those who have type II diabetes.

Be Snack Savvy: Believe it or not a lot of your favorite snacks are not vegan friendly. A great way to replenish your cupboards with snacks that follow the rules is to check out gourmet food stores or organic food stores or centers. These places often have a great selection of healthy and vegan friendly snacks as well as other neat organic stuff.

Often time it's hard to give up your favorite snacks, but there are some great substitutions. For example, if you love chips and dip or veggies and dip, try soy chips or veggies with hummus or veggie pâtés. If your one for nachos, try using black beans or refried beans topped with vegan cheese in replace of the normal toppings. For a sweet tooth substitution look for soy milk ice creams, as well as some of your favorite cookies made to fit your diet.

Minus the Meat: Thanks to the modern wonders of food science, there are tons of great meat replacements out there that come pretty darn close to tasting like meat. The veggie burger is no longer a tasteless slab of cardboard. Instead many vegetable, tofu, soy, or bean based meat substitutes like hotdogs, hamburgers, chicken nuggets, and even cold cuts taste terrific. Experiment with different brands, flavors, and types of meatless alternatives early in your vegan days to help you find what you like and make it simpler to make the transformation.

Get Rid of the Dairy: Like I said there have been a lot of advancements in the world of food science which means that you can find great substitutes for your favorite dairy products. This includes milk and milk products like cheese, sour cream, and butter. The only thing left for you to do is pay attention to ingredients and read the labels. Most grocery stores will have a section dedicated to organic and vegan foods so look there first.

By introducing these substitutions into your diet you will eventually find that you can safely satisfy most of your cravings. If you find that you're having a hard time staying on the right track or if you're afraid of jumping into veganism to quickly, try to change your diet in stages. Each week remove a different animal protein. Eventually you'll get there and when you do you'll feel better and be healthier. To make sure you stay healthy, be sure to follow a diet full of calcium, zinc, protein and vitamin C.

For gourmet vegan products visit igourmett. Treat your friends and coworkers during the upcoming holidays with igourmet gift baskets. Visit igourmet for great holiday gift baskets and gourmet gift baskets

Cat food coupons-how could it be best friend of your pet

Have a pet does much more to a person than just a constant companion and a constant source of joy. Cats, for example, have a very mysterious aura that makes them more interesting. However, taking care of a pet is more than just giving him a soft cushion where he could sleep in. One of the most expensive things you will have to spend for their food. Different cats have different preferences when it comes to cat food, and if you prefer an expensive brand, you will need to get ready to spend a lot of money.

However, it is not necessary to give your favorite animal a cheaper brand and forcing him to eat it. At the same time most definitely do not need to cut food expenses just so he could feed gourmet food to your pet. All you need is to have a good source of cat food coupons and you can give your favorite cat food formula that whatever is in the mood for.

The Internet is a great source for almost everything. In previous years, you might find most cat food coupons in the local newspaper only or Sunday circulars. And then, just you need to solve for the brand features to get good for. You really can not choose which brand you want to get the discounts.

If you do not consider how internet savvy, you don't have to worry about too. If you don't think you're going to be efficient trying the different discount coupon for your cat's food, why not just do the coupons come to you? All you need to do is look for the official website of your favorite cat food brand and subscribe to their newsletter. These bulletins are usually delivered to your mail once or twice a month. And the good news is that they are not just some bulk mail. There are times that they include in their exclusive coupons for a specific product or formula that they are with. So if you want to get good cat food more easily, you could also try this way.

But thanks to technology, could seek the best pet food coupons and discounts today with a click of a pointer. Third-party sites listed today best deals they have according to the brand. So you can stop worrying about switching to a cheaper brand, or putting up with the purchase of an expensive brand. The cat food coupons may not be just your best friend to manage your expenses, but your cat too because with the discount coupon, you can eventually buy their favorite brand without the guilt.

Find the best cat food coupons and discounts today and treat your pet with the best pet food.

There is also a page on fancy feast coupons cat food , if this is something that interests you.

Spinaci in padella

Gli spinaci costituiscono l'ortaggio per eccellenza ricco di ferro, oltre che di vitamina C. Per evitare la dispersione delle proprietà nutrizionali, l'ideale è consumarli crudi o con una breve cottura al vapore o in pochissima acqua. Fuori stagione, gli appassionati delle svariate ricette che li vedono protagonisti, possono utilizzare quelli surgelati comunemente reperibili in commercio, in foglia o a cubetti. Nella ricetta che segue, infatti, faremo semplicemente saltare dei cubetti in padella. Un contorno davvero facile e gustoso

Facciamo dapprima imbiondire gli spicchi d'aglio nell'olio

Poi vi facciamo rosolare gli spinaci

Li regoliamo di sale

e li serviamo ben caldi!

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Guide to world food market

November 2009 sees the return to London ExCel world food market where buyers and sellers from around the world come to get a glimpse of what's new in the food industry. All senses come alive at world food market as buyers look, touch, smell and taste the products and the latest products.

The market is divided into five main groups of foods and are Halal, Authentic & specialty & Gourmet Kosher Mediterranean and Private Label. Halal market section, there will be a good mix of Indians, food and beverages and a wide range of new and traditional products, integrated with many of the old favorites from Halal cuisine. Leading chefs will be on hand the samples are available to taste the cooking show. The world food market offers a great opportunity to meet numerous vendors Halal and potential partners of private label.

Of course, the secret of success in retail of food catering for all tastes, and there is always a huge choice when it comes to authentic suppliers and specialty foods. Kosher is another extremely popular food halls, attracting buyers and sellers of Kosher food from around the world. There are always lots of new Kosher products to see, smell and taste and opportunities to build new business relationships, including private label partners. November 2009 is an opportunity to learn more about Kosher Foods and how to sell Kosher products can add value to your business even during the good times.

One of the most popular sections on the world food market is Gourmet & Mediterranean. Memories of summer may be fading since November, but the meaning will be revived by the pure joy that generate Mediterranean foods and Gourmet: chef leader will give advice on how to get the best of Mediterranean food. People can be cut on many goods and services these days, but eating and drinking at home is gaining in popularity and the market is then change but do not fall.

In 2008, the exhibition of private label was launched to ExCel and this year is expected to be even more popular as it is still the only dedicated private label event in United Kingdom. Within two years, projections estimate that the market for private label in the United Kingdom will have a retail value of £ 52bn. Changing attitudes to private label and trust that buyers feel towards private label is the Guide to the market that continues to grow despite the economic downturn.

The areas benefiting from private label partnerships include fresh and chilled foods, frozen foods and beverages, dairy products, baby food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, snacks and ready meals, and many other non-food related products.

To register for the world food market and to receive a free entry Badge Fast Track, simply enter your details on the website of the official event.

Catherine writes on UK Exhibitions stands and Exhibitions stands Design.

Choosing Mail Order Gourmet Meat Cuts

Buying meat is one of the finest delicacies left in gourmet food. There are so many cuts, tastes, and styles of preparation, filets, and seasoning to delight and tingle all senses. Saving money on gourmet meat can be easy, just follow the few basic rules that follow. When selecting a meat cut remember that the more taken to prepare this cut will mean that it is more expensive and this doesn't necessarily mean it will taste better though. Choosing to have the meat with a bone in or filleted is up the person's preference. The bone in is cheaper than filleted as this cut has taken less time to prepare. Meat with bone in will also cook faster as the bone acts as a heat conductor and cooks it faster. Filleted meats also may have less flavor than a cut with bone in.

Selecting meat can be time consuming and expensive if you are not sure what you want. Be prepared with a list of the cuts and styles you want before you leave home so you have an easy, convenience meat shopping expedition. Meat cuts are not all created equal. The more expensive cut is usually from a particular part of meat that is more tender and not a working muscle. The more expensive cuts usually come from the ribs, rump and loin of the animal. The working muscle usually refers to the shoulders and flank. Cooking these cuts also needs to be taken into consideration. To get the best taste out of your meat cook your more expensive meats for a short period of time with a high heat. The cooking time for working muscle cuts should be longer and cooked over a low heat. If meat is labelled as top sirloin, stewing, bottom round, marinating and top round then this mean will take longer to cook. Luxury and more expensive meats that use words such as tenderloin, T-bone, grilling and porterhouse, on the label need to be cooked faster on high heat.

Save money when buying your meat by selecting cuts that have taken less time to be serviced. This refers to the preparation of the meat and this includes slicing up, tying the meat together, and removing skins or bones. Marbling is a term used with meat and this means the fat strips that are visible along the sides of the meat. This fat is not necessarily bad for you. Most people think that removing this fat will be healthier for them. When the fat is removed flavor is lost. Choose meat that has flecks of fat rather than strips on your meat cuts, this will obtain the flavor and be healthy too.

If the meat at the butcher looks or smells funny I suggest you go to another butcher. These are prime tell tales that the meat is not up to grade. Meat should smell fresh and the meat should be firm rather than tough or too soft. If the meat looks or feels funny it may have been sitting out for too long. The colors of the meat can also tall the buyer if it is a good cut or not. The meat should be a dark red color as this means the meat has been prepared and cut recently. The best before date on labels should have the date and time it was prepared and packed. The amount of meat that a person should eat at a mealtime is equivalent to a deck of cards or a clenched fist. Have plenty of vegetables with your meal as well as grains to keep your meal balanced. Meat is usually graded on a meat grading system that determines the quality of the meat. This USDA system will grade the meat from good to bad. There are also grading systems for commercial, standard meat and poultry.

Pasta cresciuta fritta con alici

Il termine pasta cresciuta ha origini partenopee; con esso si indica un impasto fritto a palline, chiamate anche zeppole di pasta cresciuta. Gustosissime e profumate, si trovano ancora oggi per strada nei vicoli napoletani, fritte e mangiate al momento. La ricetta tradizionale prevede un impasto a base di sola acqua, farina, sale e lievito, ma a piacere è possibile arricchire le frittelle con diversi ingredienti quali fiori di zucca, alghe di mare, o, come in questa ricetta, con alici. In questo caso, non abbiamo aggiunto il sale alla pastella

Disponiamo la farina in una terrina con al centro il lievito di birra

poi versiamo pian piano l'acqua tiepida facendo sciogliere il lievito

e continuiamo a mescolare fino ad ottenere una pastella densa

che lasceremo lievitare per circa un'ora; dopodiché, vi aggiungiamo i filetti di alici

Li amalgamiamo per bene alla pastella e la poniamo nuovamente a lievitare

Quando avrà raddoppiato il suo volume, la prendiamo a cucchiaiate e le tuffiamo nell'olio bollente

Facciamo gonfiare e dorare le zeppole su entrambi i lati

Asciughiamo l'unto in eccesso su carta assorbente da cucina

e serviamo le zeppole caldissime e fragranti!

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