Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Gift Baskets Corporate Gourmet - Which Option Suits You Best?

When making a corporate gift, you want to make a good impression and be regarded as a valuable business partner. It is not particularly difficult to achieve this, if you choose one or more of the gift baskets corporate gourmet presents. These are formal enough yet practical. Moreover, gourmet food can make anyone happy in middle of a busy and stressful day at the office. There is a wide variety of corporate gourmet baskets to select from, so you should be familiar with your main options.

Generally, you can choose between gift baskets corporate gourmet presents for a special person, for a small group of people or for the entire office. This is a personal choice to make, but it should be based on business etiquette. If you have been working with a manager or an executive, it is appropriate to present a gift only to this person and not to the people they are working with, such as assistants and secretaries.

In case, you have communicated with a small team within the company, it is appropriate to make the gift to all of them and not to have a basket for each person individually. Of course, the size of the gift will depend on the number of people you want to treat. This is applicable to larger office baskets as well. If you want to make a gift to the people at the travel agent's office, the large office packages are ideal for you. These are also excellent choices for manager and executives who want to treat their staff at a special occasion, such as the conclusion of a major deal or a significant date in the history of the company. These gift baskets corporate gourmet presents are ideal for Christmas as well.

The main question people have when choosing between the different gift baskets corporate gourmet presents is related to the contents of the basket. It is up to you to decide which option is best for you, given your individual circumstances. The important thing is to take into account all the options you can choose from.

You can readily opt for a classic basket that contains foods which can be easily eaten in the office. These include nuts, biscuits, crackers, dried fruit and candy. In most cases, drinks are not included, even though a pack of gourmet tea or coffer would make a great impression. The fruit baskets are also excellent corporate gifts. They are real classics. Moreover, they contribute to healthy diet and lifestyle which are particularly trendy at the moment.

Some more unconventional solutions include gift baskets corporate gourmet packages that consist entirely of gourmet tea of different types with different flavors. This is a great cheaper alternative, especially when you have a large group of people to treat. Just make sure that some tea biscuits and possibly cake are included in the package.

Despite all the choices you have, it can be safely said that the classic gift baskets corporate gourmet presents remain the most luxurious. These have high quality, preferably handmade, sweets, caviar, smoked salmon, French cheese and/or pate and a bottle of first class wine.

Michelle Reynolds loves to write about food and gift baskets. For more ideas on gift baskets corporate gourmet, visit

Is Gourmet Dog Food the Best?

If you go into your veterinarian's office, or the local health food store and pick out a bag of gourmet dog food for your dog, you think that you are doing the best you can for your pet. After all, you love him and want him to have the best food, the best nutrition, and the tastiest meal possible. That is why you buy "gourmet". But, when you are buying this kind of food, are you really getting your money's worth? And, more importantly, are you really getting food that is more healthful than the food you would buy on the supermarket shelf?

Most gourmet pet food is made from the very same ingredients that all the other pet foods are made from. There is virtually no difference at all, except for the price. Maybe it tastes better to your dog, and maybe it smells better to you, but it made from the same ingredients and contains all of the same preservatives and additives that even the cheapest brand contains.

What is worse is that this very same gourmet dog food does not contain all the nutrients that your dog food - no commercially-produced pet food does. They may claim that they contain 100% of a dog's recommended daily value of nutrients, but that is not the case. Otherwise, why do so many dogs die early deaths? Our dogs go through years of malnutrition, only leading to illness and an early death because we are being totally misled as to what they are eating.

Before you go out and buy your next batch of dog food, do your research and find out what your dog needs as well as what you are actually buying. You may find out that you don't need to be paying these high prices for gourmet food anymore.

Joey Hanna is a dedicated writer and researcher on gourmet dog food and runs a popular dog food blog. Receive free tips, reviews and helpful information to give your dog a longer, healthier life.

The Svelte Gourmet - A Discovery of Healthy Food That is Delicious - And You Can Make it Too

To me, the best solutions to anything in life are the simplest solutions. I recently discovered Jennifer Fox, also known as 'The Svelte Gourmet'. She's fairly new to the weight loss game yet she has already built a following that many long standing players would dream of having.

She's not a chef. She's not a dietician. In fact, she's just like many of us in that she has been a yo-yo dieter for years. She loves to cook and that has led her to her passion: to help people shed pounds by eating healthfully.

She believes that eating healthy does NOT mean that you have to sacrifice flavor. Well, for any of you who have suffered over salad after salad or endless dry chicken breast, she is a refreshing solution that is going to make your taste buds sing and dance.

According to Ms. Fox: "The problem is, most diet food doesn't taste that great. I created healthy recipes that taste fantastic! Most people can't believe they're eating diet food." And it's true. I checked her out and people are raving about her approach of simple 'food swaps' and how her recipes provide gourmet meals that are healthy and calorie conscious. Gourmet food! Can you imagine that? It really is amazing and guess what? Like I said, the best solutions in life are the simplest solutions.

Her recipes will have you feeding your friends and family with flair and you'll have a hard time convincing them that they are not over-indulging. And at the core are basic ideas like swapping yogurt for mayonnaise and sour cream, unsweetened apple sauce for oil, honey instead of sugar, herbs and spices instead of butter or fat and using onions as a sweetener. But more than that, she'll show you hot to do it so that you get the best results - healthy food should taste great.

As she says on her website: "She wants to help you and your families learn to make healthy food taste good, enjoy cooking while staying fit, and realize how easy it can be to make gourmet meals every day of the week."

And to help, they offer a variety of customizable services, such as: The Svelte Gourmet "Personal Training" Sessions, "Cooking Svelte" Dinner Parties, Pizza & A Movie, The Svelte Gourmet Classes & Seminars and more.

They give you the recipes and inspiration for a lifestyle built on eating healthfully. If you choose to, you can follow her cookbook from start to finish, enjoying a different, flavorful and exciting meal everyday for a month! Imagine that. No more dried up chicken and the same old, same old you've been suffering with night after night.

You'd do well to check her out. And your family will love you for it. Who cares if your friends become jealous. Losing weight does not have to be so doom and gloom. Have fun.

And while you are at it, grab a compelling vision of your future self. And Let The Vision Empower You!

Kevin Graham serves as the Managing Director at Empower Me Photo. Empower Me Photo provides tools to help those seeking to stay on their diet or exercise program over the long run - by showing how you are going to look AFTER you lose the weight.

You will be amazed at how you are going to look - and your empowering photo can be in your hand as quickly as tomorrow. And you will be inspired, motivated, and yes, EMPOWERED, to stay on your program over the long run.

You are welcome to download our free 7 Secrets to Visualize Your Future using the world's best weight loss tool.

Our Weight Loss Success Stories [] are impressive.

Let The Vision Empower You!

Polpettine al pomodoro

Ingredienti :

- 350 gr di carne macinata

- un panino raffermo

- un bicchiere di latte

- uno spicchio d'aglio

- un ciuffo di prezzemolo fresco

- 2 uova

- 2 cucchiai di parmigiano grattugiato

- 400 ml di passata di pomodoro

- olio e sale q.b.

Preparazione :

Oggi prepariamo delle semplici e deliziose polpettine cucinate in una classica salsa al pomodoro.

Come operazione preliminare mettiamo ad ammollare il panino nel latte e lo mescoliamo con la carne tritata

Aggiungiamo le 2 uova e regoliamo di sale

Uniamo anche aglio e prezzemolo tritati finemente

ed infine il parmigiano grattugiato

Amalgamiamo l'impasto e formiamo delle polpette che tuffiamo nella salsa di pomodoro portata a bollore e condita con olio e sale

Lasciamo cuocere per una mezz'oretta a fiamma media e finché il sugo non si restringe; serviamo il piatto tiepido!

View the original article here

Gourmet Indian Food is the Cuisine to Celebrate With

When you are celebrating any kind of occasion, food becomes an integral part as it is important that the guests get to satisfy their taste buds. You always wonder what kind of food would be the best for the party. Be it your birthday, wedding, engagement, bachelor's party or a cocktail party any kind of party gourmet Indian food is the best as it suits all kinds of palates and is absolutely delicious. To enjoy real Indian food it is best that you visit an authentic Indian restaurant London.

In other words we can say that gourmet food is a celebration food. There is a wide variety of vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes available for starters and main-course. There can be no other cuisine as delectable as Indian food. Indian cusine is made the simple way with lots of love and care and these are the same qualities that you extend towards your guests. Indian cuisine is the cuisine of love and celebration.

The depth of the flavour and aroma of gourmet food adds the zest to your party and further peps up the mood of the guests. Whatever maybe your occasion or reason for celebration Indian food suits all kind of celebration. If you are planning for a cocktail party then the light starters are best suited. There are many specialty Indian drinks which you can add to your cocktail party to make your party more interesting. If it is your wedding then you can have a wide spread just like the royalty in starters, main-course and desserts. Sure if you choose gourmet food then your guests will be absolutely spoiled for choices.

Before you plan to savour gourmet Indian food for your party it is best that you choose an authentic Indian restaurant London. Any restaurant selling food under the Indian tag is not authentic, it is important that to get the real taste of Indian food you choose a restaurant that has both the expertise and the know-how to cook gourmet food. So if you want to have a good time and also want that your guests enjoys the most and remembers your hospitality it is vital that you make them taste real Indian food. A good Indian restaurant London will always make sure that you and your guests have the most wonderful time and relish on some delectable gourmet food.

The author has visited many Indian restaurant London and tells the reader about Indian restaurant London gourmet Indian food being the best for all kinds of parties. For more information visit

Gourmet Snack Food - Deep Fried Peanuts

What makes deep fried peanuts a gourmet snack food? I am sure many people would say they do not cost enough, or what can be gourmet about a peanut. George Washington Carver developed many uses for the peanut that we never think about. It is a cool nut that is not a nut, it is a legume. A legume is a plant that encloses its seeds in a pod, so peanuts are like a bean that grows underground. It also is the crop of choice for one of our former presidents Jimmy Carter. If that does not make it gourmet I don't know what would. Because there are so many different food items made from peanuts, it can be used so many different ways, and it is the chosen crop of a former president deep fried peanuts have to be a gourmet snack food.

So what are the food items that we use from peanuts? There are so many this can not be an exhaustive list but will cover many of the main categories. We all know about peanut butter, and what a great choice to mix with jelly on a sandwich. It is also used in many Asian dishes as a thickener in soups and stews. Many times Chinese, dishes have peanuts sprinkled on top to give the dish some crunch. Of course you can eat them raw, or roasted with salt or honey glazed on the nuts. Here in the south, we have a couple of unusual traditions with peanuts. The first is boiled peanuts. You can be driving down the road and many road side produce stands will have signs advertising boiled peanuts. Some of you may ask, what is a boiled peanut? Raw peanuts with the shell are dumped into a pot of boiling water which can have different flavors like salted, garlic, or Cajun. Then the peanuts are removed. The shell is cracked and the juice is sucked out and the peanuts eaten. The most unusual is deep fried peanuts. In the south, you have to deep fry everything. So with the shells on, you drop the peanuts into hot grease and fry. Then as they come out of the oil sprinkle your favorite flavors on the shell. Then eat the peanuts shell and all. Good stuff.

What else can we use the peanut for besides eating? One application is the making of peanut oil. Everyone who loves deep frying knows that the longest lasting and safest oil to fry in is peanut oil. Most restaurants use peanut oil because it lasts so much longer than vegetable oil in their deep fryers. The second reason is peanut oil has a lot higher ignition temperature than other oils. So when making funnel cakes or deep fried turkeys, your risk of fire is reduced greatly. Peanuts can also be used to make cosmetics, fuel for biomass stoves, dyes, paints, stains, paper glue, gas and hundreds of other things according to the Tuskegee University web site. The last group and probably the most used but least thought about are medicines. Peanuts and peanut products can be used for rubbing oils, castor oil substitutes, laxatives, and even for venereal disease. That George Washington Carver was an amazing inventor. He came up with all of these uses and did and only sold three of them, the rest he gave to mankind.

The last reason deep fried peanuts can be a gourmet food snack is a former president grew up on a peanut farm. Every body knew the peanut farmer from Georgia in 1976. The campaign was as much about rural people and peanuts as it was about the candidates. Now, Plains Georgia has an annual celebration of the peanut and the former president. There are images of the peanut all over the town, a 5K race, beauty queens, and several other competitions during the festival. There are also several museums commemorating Mr. Carter and the influence the peanut and farming had on his life. If a president had a significant experience with a peanut, then I think you should also. Go find some deep fried peanuts, boiled peanuts, or some honey roasted. I am sure you will be glad you did.

For gourmet food gifts you can share with your family and friends visit our site. [] You can find beef jerky spices, wild game jerky, deep fried peanuts, beef jerky and gourmet cheese. We love serving our customers great food with quick service.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Exploring European Food

European food is such a broad category that it is hard to know just where to begin. Not only are there differences by country, there are regional differences within countries. As an example: France alone makes over 300 varieties of cheese. Reading books, magazines, and websites is one way to learn all about the latest food trends and most authentic dishes of this region. Another - and a much more enjoyable way to experience the diversity of food, culture, and people - is to travel there and experience it for yourself.

Does that sound a bit intimidating? After all, although Europe is a small continent, it is rich in history, culture, and diversity. Where should you start? Perhaps Paris has to be the place for all food lovers to start a gourmet vacation, steeped in a great love of food the Parisians are at the top of their game, with so many Michelin stared restaurants to choose from one is spoiled for choice.

Not many people think of England as a place of gourmet food however in recent times the British have begun to excel at the food game with famous chefs such as Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsey the British are now shedding off their image of fish and chips and have now begun to join the ranks of the French. We recommend visiting London's Borough market where you will find beautiful fresh and gourmet produce that will make the mouth water. An institution in London has to be The Ivy in Covent Garden, here you will find food lovers, theatre goers and celebrities all enjoying the best Britain has to offer from simple dishes such as sausage and mash to international cuisine such as Thai baked seabass. Moving on on your Gourmet travels Northern European has a wealth of succulent traditional dishes to temp one to travel there, from Pickled Herring to Slow roast Pork this Northern Hemisphere delicacies should surely tempt you.

If participating in a festival of European food in all its glory seems a little too ambitious for you right now, you can also use our site as a touchstone for other ideas. We've included travel information like budget and traditional airlines, hotels, airports, and restaurants. Stopping by a local food market can also be a visceral and vibrant way to connect with a new cuisine and culture. We've included several markets, from Venice's historical Rialto Market to Paris's intimate Saxe-Breteuil Market, that exemplify the variety that Europe can offer. So feel free to click over to Good Food Europe and start planning a gourmet vacation!

At Good Food Europe, we've put together a collection of things that every foodie should know about travelling to Europe and sampling its culinary delights. We've included everything from suggested routes for exploring some of Europe's great capital cities and food destinations to information on iconic dishes and cuisines of this distinctive continent. From Stockholm, Sweden to Athens, Greece, we've narrowed down a list of Europe's greatest restaurants, cooking schools, and food regions.


Niente è buono come un piatto con un leggero retrogusto piccante. Bene! Allora prepariamo un olio piccante da tenerci in dispensa.

Il procedimento è semplicissimo.

Scegliete la varietà di peperoncini FRESCHI da usare per il vostro olio aromatizzato. Poco tempo fa ho usato la varietà Habanero, e il risultato è stato grandioso!

Tagliatelo a metà longitudinalmente e privatelo dei semi. I semi danno il 90% della piccantezza al peperoncino, quindi è bene toglierli in modo di non rischiare di avere, alla fine, un olio eccessivamente pungente. La pelle del peperoncino, invece, è piccante al punto giusto e soprattutto, dà il sapore.

Per un litro di olio, vi consiglio l'uso di 6/7 peperoncini.

 Ora, mettete le pelli dentro una bottiglia o il contenitore che avrete scelto, e riempite con l'olio.Le varianti sono molte, potete tritare le pelli, cuocere per poco tempo l'olio con dentro le pelli del peperoncino, usare peperoncini disidratati (per una maggiore durata del prodotto), ma quello che vi ho illustrato è il metodo più veloce.

Buon risultato è sinonimo di pazienza, quindi una volta completati i procedimenti, vi toccherà riporre la bottiglia in dispensa e aspettare 2 settimane.  Ma posso garantirvi che ne varrà la pena.

Carne, pesce, pasta, qualsiasi pietanza andrà d'accordo con il vostro olio aromatizzato al peperoncino.

View the original article here

Online Cake Delivery - Does Gourmet Make a Difference?

There are many ways to get cake. You can go to a local market and pick up a cake that has already been prepared, but that includes hoping that it is fresh and moist at the time of purchase. You can hire someone to make you a fresh, moist cake, but many local cake makers are far from creative, so you will end up with the same ordinary flavors that you have always eaten.

Then there is the option to go online and order cakes that are more creative. Many of these cakes will come from gourmet food and catering services, and they might be a bit more expensive than the cakes you buy at the local market. This may have you wondering whether gourmet is really worth the extra money.

What Qualifies as Gourmet Cake?

You will find different ideas of what "gourmet" cake is when you look around online, because it is kind of a subjective label. Gourmet typically means higher quality. Rather than getting cheap steak on a plate, a gourmet food and catering service may offer filet mignon and very expensive cuts of steak. Those dishes would be complimented with higher quality sides that blend flavors in more unique ways.

When you are talking about cake, a gourmet food and catering service may offer flavor combination and designs that are unique to their particular service. These cakes will typically be more creative and the flavors may be far more adventurous than what you find at the local market or a local bakery.

For example, you can get strawberry shortcake type cakes at almost any local market from time to time, but how often do you see a mango flavored cake with piles of fresh mango on top? There are many cakes with fresh strawberries on top, but mango is a more unique flavor that may only be found through gourmet bakeries and delivery services. That is just one idea of the type of cake you can find through gourmet online cake delivery services.

When trying to picture gourmet cake in your mind, simply think of higher quality cakes that are made with fresh ingredients. Imagine original flavor combination and unique toppings that you cannot pick up anywhere else.

Is Gourmet Cake Better?

When you consider that a cake from a gourmet food and catering service should be made with fresh ingredients from scratch, you can see how it could taste quite a bit better than cakes that are not made from fresh ingredients. For example, there would be no fair way to compare a cake made from boxed mix to a cake made from a gourmet catering service. The fresh ingredients versus the mixed ingredients simply do not compare, and it shows in the flavor.

If you want unique flavors that are not offered other places, then you definitely have to go with a catering service. The availability of these unique flavor combination is one of the big perks to ordering from an online cake delivery service in Singapore.

Eatzi provides food catering services for residents in Singapore.

Feel free to publish this article on your website, or send it to your friends, as long as you keep the resource box and the content of the article intact.

Holiday Gift Food Baskets - A Fun, Easy and Unique Gift

It's that holiday time of year again. Around the corner will be holiday dinners, shopping, and gifts. Buying holiday gifts doesn't have to be stressful -- especially when you do your holiday shopping online for great gifts that everyone will love, like a holiday gift food basket. As a holiday gift, food baskets are always well received whether you are giving them to a friend, family member, or business client. Everyone loves to eat during the holidays, and with savory gourmet goodies so elegantly presented - who could resist?

Holiday gift food baskets are fun and easy to buy online, which will speed up your Christmas shopping. No need to schlep to a crowded mall and pick through what's left. When you buy a holiday gift food basket online, you just need a shipping address and a credit card. You could actually get most of your shopping done on your lunch break without ever leaving your office. A food gift basket can be a fun and unique gift to give for the holidays. There is a wide variety of gourmet selections you can choose from, so you can truly customize each gift to the recipient's tastes.

It's best to send a thoughtful, customized gift basket. For example, if your friend loves chocolate and fruit, you could send her some scrumptious chocolate covered blueberries or cherries. Or send a chocolate gift basket, like a delicious Ghirardelli chocolate or an elegant box of Godiva chocolates.

For a friend or colleague who loves coffee, you can send a simple gourmet Starbucks gift basket that is elegant and also lower priced. If your goal is to impress your most important clients, then you may consider sending a grand, luxurious gourmet corporate basket filled with champagne and caviar. If your important business client is a wine aficionado, consider sending him a wine of the month membership to really impress him. As a bonus, every month your client will remember you as he receives his new monthly treat - a smart move if you're trying to stay top of mind for his regular business.

Whether you are shopping for your own gifts or buying a corporate holiday gift, a gourmet food gift basket is an easy, fun, elegant, and unique gift that everyone will appreciate. Buying gift baskets are practical for you because they are convenient to order online. There is a wide assortment and fast shipping options, which makes it a stress-free way for you to shop during the holidays.

For more on these and other holiday gift food baskets, visit

Give the delicious gift of a gourmet food gift basket this season to friends and clients. Don't delay - order now while these baskets are in stock, and take advantage of early shipping specials before Christmas.

Gourmet Kitchen Tips for the Ultimate Cooking Area

The kitchen is the one room that needs to function really well. After all, good food is one of the most basic needs of the family. The kitchen is the place where you rustle up those delicious meals and keep your family and friends entertained. Thus, the kitchen has to be clean, clutter free and convenient.

If you are the kind of person who cooks gourmet food, (or just likes the occasional ham sandwich), you know that you need the proper ambience in a gourmet kitchen. You need more utensils, more space, more tools and basically more control. A proper gourmet meal takes time to prepare. So, if you have to spend awhile in the kitchen, you need to make the place look good too. It should not only look good, but also be a convenient and comfortable place to work in.

Given below is a list of must haves for the ultra gourmet kitchen:

o The Food Prep Zone: Gourmet kitchens need to have knife drawers with special tools to keep the knives straight and sharp, cutting boards that come out and disappear into the cabinets when required and counters with lower height. Marble countertops help to retard the growth of bacteria.

o Cooking Zone: Many homeowners now prefer separate ovens instead of freestanding ranges, a selection of tall cabinets, base cabinets and ones with special pull out systems.

o Baking Zone: Cooks who are serious about baking like counters with less height, making them easier to knead bread on. Nowadays, you can also get pull out box cabinets, special tiered cabinets, cake decorating kits and various other items.

o Specific Storage Zone: Instead of having a pantry that stores everything in one spot, gourmet kitchens have work-specific storage areas. For example, there can be a 'breakfast center' where you can store cereals, syrups, bagels, mixes, and so on. Similarly, you can have lunch and dinner centers where you can store equipment appropriately.

o Dining Zone: Gourmet kitchens often have built-in cabinets that double as buffets, used to separate the kitchen from the dining space. With proper lighting and aesthetics, you can make this area look very luxurious.

o Wet Bar Service Zone: This area can be used as a transition area between the food preparation and serving zones. Wine racks can be built in and combined with under-the-counter wine coolers and beverage centers.

o Meal Planning Zone: You can have built in bookshelves or cabinets that can be a perfect corner for planning your meals, searching for new recipes, mulling over cookbooks and similar activities. You should have all the modern appliances required for cooking - starting from microwaves to ovens to dishwashers and similar. Having all of your appliances in Stainless Steel, or built into the cabinets gives your kitchen a clean, streamlined look.

In order to have a well-planned gourmet kitchen, you may want to use the services of an interior designer that specializes in kitchens. You can also visit special gourmet kitchen showrooms - they also have in-house consultants that will go to your home to assist you with the design and make recommendations based on your tastes.

Pam Ingram has resided in the Santa Clarita Valley real estate market for over 30 years. Her local knowledge, experience, and contacts are invaluable in finding your dream home or a buyer for your current property. For Santa Clarita relocation call Pam for the scoop on the local neighborhoods and other useful information.

Gourmet Dog Food - The Latest Sensation

Are you as confused as I am about the Gourmet dog food tag? There is no reason in the world not to want the best for our dogs so I decided to do some research to find out what it meant and would like to share the information with you in this article. Dog food has evolved over the years from the simple, 'open a can and plop the food into a bowl' or 'open the bag and pour out the kibble' to something that has gone way beyond.

There's a whole lot of stuff about your dog needing omega 3 and omega 6 and fish oil and vitamins and goodness knows whatnot that will have your head spinning. The best thing to do is to talk to your vet, who can guide you on what to feed your dog because you have to consider different breeds, sizes, allergic reactions and the dog's well being.

Gourmet food stores have recently made an appearance on the horizon and taken the market by storm. You can do a bit of research on the internet to find the ones located in your area, because they are spread across the country so no worries there. You can get dog treats, all natural food items and even birthday cakes specially made for your special pal. What more does one need?

I checked out a few sites and the items on display made my mouth water! With Christmas around the corner you could go for the snaky snowman or even a canine cone or maybe a peanut butter drop, the list is endless. There are many supermarkets that have a dedicated dog section and stock gourmet dog food with lots of items to choose from. Most of the gourmet items on sale at specialty dog stores are organic and you can get as many as seven different varieties of canned food including organic chicken and turkey.

The meat is combined with vegetables and fruit and is a balanced meal for all breeds. These specialty dog food stores claim to adhere to the highest quality standards to provide balance and nutritious meals for your dog. To be organic certified the store needs USDA approval so this is something you could check on. The food is pesticide, fertilizer, antibiotic, hormone, GMO, artificial color and flavor, preservatives and chemicals free. You always have the option to make your own gourmet dog food if you find store bought items too expensive for your budget.

Looking for bully sticks for your puppy or old dog? Get discounts on pizzle sticks right now at

Monday, February 27, 2012

Gourmet Barbecue - My Personal Favorite

Lest anyone misunderstand the intent of this article, let me say up front that I, in no way, am knocking the men and women who comprise the fine dining industry. I am not casting aspersions on the food, quality of food, quantity of food and character of anything served at a gourmet restaurant. There is definitely a place for fine food dining in this country!

Barbeque however, is one of the great delicacies of the south, no matter whether its chicken, pork ribs, beef brisket or pork chops. My personal favorite, barbequed pork ribs are rarely, if ever, found on the menu of fine dining restaurants. That omission is an indication of how this great food item is discriminated against by gourmet restaurants.

Maybe the barbequed rib has just not climbed its way to the top of modern culinary society yet. My thoughts are that it is just too good to be placed on the same menu as a "Pan Seared French Cut Pork Loin Chop served with baby new potatoes and a cheery medley of spring greens."

Imagine opening the menu at any stuffed shirt restaurant where the dinner meals start at $50.00 per person and reading down:

"Tonight's house specialty is Honey and Soy Glazed Sea Bass, garnished with tiny sprigs of rosemary. Sides are delightful broccoli crowns steamed with basil and tarragon. A creamy garlic mashed potato with fresh clipped chives round out the meal. Our wine cellar is excellent"

Just below this you might find other offerings to temp your pallet such as:

Macadamia Nut-Crusted Mahi Mahi with Tropical Fruit.

Rack of Ellensburg Lamb with Pinot Noir-Thyme Sauce.

Somewhere near the bottom of the menu you should see in proud bold, block lettering: "Hickory Smoked Rack of Ribs! Slow cooked in a hickory smoker for 3 -4 hours, these pork ribs will fall off the bone as you lick the barbeque sauce from your fingers. Hand rubbed into the meat we feature an assortment of spices: garlic salt, salt, pepper, oregano, chili pepper, cayenne pepper, and onion pepper. While the meat is cooking in the smoking chamber it is kissed with our own secret red sauce."

This sounds a little uppity for the good old barbequed rib doesn't it? Ribs, chicken and the like have been relegated to the kitchens of Ma and Pa diners and rib houses that specialize in barbeque. Most of these restaurants are packed with faithful customers most of the time; especially on the weekends. Barbeque aficionados are a loyal crowd. When they find a place they like, they keep coming back for more!

Why then is barbeque not highlighted on the menus of the finest gourmet restaurants in America? Portions! That's the key. In most places of fine dining, the portions of any one thing are ridiculously small. On the other hand when you leave a barbecue joint you're holding your belly because you're stuffed. No small amounts of food here!

Why then do they have portion control at fine dining joints? I think the gourmet food people stumbled onto something a long time ago that the barbecue business has yet to realize. The entrees and appetizers at most of these places are quite expensive. Add that fact that most of the meals featured are weird! They're not usually something that we would prepare at home, so frankly, no one knows how each item is really supposed to taste.

Then, because gourmet restaurants blatantly keep their prices at extortion levels, we feel that whatever they feed us is wonderful because it costs so much! It simply has to be good! Most of us would have to carry our lunch to work for a month in order to pay for one night out with Chef Pierre. That being the case the meals must be wonderful regardless of what our tummies are telling us.

That's it in a nutshell. Serve very small portions, make it so that no one knows if it's good or bad, make it expensive and put the knives and forks in the correct positions. It can then be called gourmet.

Even though in the south every red blooded American male thinks he can cook the best barbecue in the world, we still enjoy going out to eat someone else's cooking and enjoy the ambiance of knotty pine paneling and vinyl table cloths that would enhance any dining experience. Maybe it would make a difference if there was a maitre d' to seat us as we entered the establishment.

Bob Alexander is well experienced in outdoor cooking, fishing and leisure living. Bob is also the author and owner of this article. Visit his sites at: []


Gourmet Business Gift: Chocolates Aren't Just For Valentine's Day

People think that a gourmet business gift should only be given for special occasions. In fact, they can be bought and presented as a gift to a boss or set of work colleagues for any seasonal or business gatherings, such as Christmas and Hanukkah functions at work, Easter holiday gatherings, summer picnics, a complement to a business presentation, or even a New Year's celebration.

A business colleague, client, boss, or board of directors will be appreciative if you can provide some delectable gourmet food gifts. This could even mean that they'll remember you when promotion and pay raise time come around!

When you're trying to choose just the right gourmet business gift, the idea is to pick one that is appropriate to your place of work or company you are giving it to. If can't decide what kind to get, then you can get gourmet samplers that usually have a small variety of hand-made delicacies. You can also include these as a small part of a larger gift basket or hamper. Hampers are a great idea for Easter and summer functions. They can include a large range of different types of food that can accommodate many different types of palettes.

One gourmet business gift idea to consider is specialty chocolates. These are an especially great gift for a board of directors, or any group of people who work together. Instead of having to buy individual gifts for each member of the group, gourmet chocolates can be shared and enjoyed. They are usually packaged in individual pieces, making it easier for larger groups to share without any fights over who is going to take your great gift home! This shows that you care about the company and the people, and will make your gift remembered for some time to come.

There are a multitude of flavor combinations when you are considering a chocolate gourmet business gift - or even a gift for yourself! For instance, gourmet chocolates can be made with fruits, nuts, coffees, teas, herbs and spices.

Do you want to give a chocolate gift with a little kick? Try spicy chocolate flavors that feature chipotle, cayenne and chili powder. Or how about an after dinner chocolate with rum and cola, pina colada, or amaretto? Butterscotch brandy will make your mouth water for days to come! The possibilities are nearly endless.

The only thing foodie Vivica Fredericks loves more than writing about new artisan foods and food trends is tasting them! Her latest passion is the hand made chocolates found online at the specialty artisan food market

Gourmet Cooking - Handy Butane Stoves For Effortless Cooking!

Preparing gourmet food with the help of butane stoves provides quite a trial by fire. If faced with such a dicey situation, how would you go ahead and prepare tasty meals in order to make a great impact on your family and friends? The word gourmet, when carefully studied, refers to food that is made painstakingly and skillfully and of a high quality. It is gently prepared at the proper temperature and served in an attractive manner. Now that things are clear, you certainly can attempt preparing gourmet food on handy butane stoves.

Prepare in Advance and Excel

For you to emerge successful in this endeavor, a number of crucial factors have to be taken into account. In the first place, you need to have a suitable recipe to prepare. It is very likely that you may wish to locate all the recipes that can be attempted over the open fire. After this, you may wish to experiment with them. Cooking gourmet food on handy butane stoves is not as simple as it looks, but a little bit of effort and actually trying them out is all it takes for you to for you to excel in any kind of gourmet cooking using a butane stove.

Always bear in mind that you should have a butane stove that is of the finest quality. You may wish to purchase something that is durable and is very convenient for you to use, ensuring the correct cooking temperature is maintained and prevent food from being excessively done. Usually, getting used to cooking on the butane stove takes a certain amount of time, before one excels in making delicious food using it.

Lastly, you need to have suitable equipment to deal with the task in hand. In order to cook gourmet food with a butane stove, you need to have proper cooking utensils, as well as a good quality thermometer you can locate.

This is your most precious tool, as you can prepare food effortlessly, recognizing the exact moment when the right temperature is attained, thus ensuring your food is properly done. You should stock the herbs you require and use them liberally to turn any uninteresting meal into fabulous rich one. You are also required to have suitable cooking pans and pots for using on these grids to ensure the proper consistency is attained and you dish looks truly wonderful.

If you wish to prove your mettle by attempting to cook gourmet food using a handy butane stove, then the ideal approach is to meet it head on. You may well appreciate the superiority and the know-how of the resources available on the web, which assist you in selecting the best recipe and supply you with the necessary cooking instructions. With this invaluable support, cooking gourmet food using handy butane stove turns out to be simple and pleasurable task.

Abhishek is a cooking enthusiast! Visit his website and download his FREE Cooking Report "Master Chef Secrets" and learn some amazing Cooking tips and tricks for FREE! Learn how to create the perfect meal on a shoe-string budget. And yes, you get to keep all the accolades! But hurry, only limited Free copies available!

Cooking Seasoining With Gourmet Seasoning

What is gourmet seasoning? First what does gourmet mean? Before talking about gourmet seasoning you should keep in mind that the discussion will move around three aspects: the meanings of the word gourmet, the Gourmet food or seasoning firms, and the gourmet seasoning products provided by the Gourmet firms. According to different dictionaries, as well as the Wikipedia encyclopedia, gourmet is a cultural ideal, which is generally associated with gastronomy, the culinary arts of exquisite fine food and drink. Although the term might be perceived as negative as it is usually linked with elitism or snobbery, it actually has the positive meaning which describes people with refined tastes and passion.

The term gourmet is used to refer to the person who has refined or discriminating taste or is knowledgeable in the art of food and food preparation. It also refers to a certain type of restaurant, cuisine, special presentation of the food, high sophistication in the field of gastronomy or a certain type of meal or ingredient of high quality. In the US, Gourmet is an industry classification for high-quality premium foods. Since the 2000s, an accelerating increase in the American gourmet market has occurred, due to rising income, globalization of taste, and health and nutrition concerns in part. Individual food and drinks categories, like coffee for instance, are often classified as standard and a "gourmet" sub-market.

As we mentioned in the beginning of the article, there are a lot of firms that incorporated the word Gourmet in their name, precisely to show that their products are of high quality. Thus, if you search in the stores or access websites you will be able to choose the best food or drink products like gourmet seasoning bottles or jars, or any other foods that bear the mark of a certain Gourmet firm. For example, there are companies or firms or products like Big Fat Jerry's Gourmet Seasoning which, obviously, offer you an array of hand or mechanically blended spices. Then there is the Gourmet House Seasoning.

Gourmet House seasoning is a mixture of coarse salt, onion salt, garlic salt, celery salt, paprika, sugar, monosodium glutamate, nutmeg and black pepper. According to these gourmet seasoning producers, their gourmet seasoning products offer you the opportunity to experience "a new level of taste in your meals." What you might consider a positive aspect of the gourmet seasoning products offered by these gourmet companies is that they get involved in producing different types of seasonings, among which the ones typical of certain cuisines, national or international, regional or made up. Besides the lists of products, description/ingredients of the gourmet seasoning products and their prices, producers and traders' websites also offer you gourmet seasoning recipes.

For More Seasoning Secrets go to:

Cooking with Seasoning Secrets


Michael Seriosa

How To Get Quality Gourmet Meals From Prepared Meal Delivery Services

The delicate chatter of warm and friendly conversation, the great smelling scents escaping out of the kitchen area, along with the spinning heads as waitresses and waiters go walking by your table carrying a tray of awesome looking dishes that can make you say to yourself, "Darn, I wish I would have ordered that." Where can you be? You're experiencing a night-time of great dining with close friends, or possibly you are having an enchanting dinner out with a spouse. In any event, a delightful gourmet meal may very well be one of many highlights of the evening.

What separates a gourmet meal from an average dinner? By definition, "gourmet meal" means of top quality ingredients, prepared with expert technique, and {served|plated) with a luxurious or stylish presentation. Exotic, or top quality ingredients are often used, typically products we do not have every day. We can all recollect an occasion in our lives where we shared in the extravagance of a gourmet dining adventure, but can we have a similar delicious meal shipped to our homes?

Prepared meal delivery services are becoming more popular each day, catering to individuals who do not have enough time or desire to make all of their meals at home. Organizations focusing on weight loss prepared meals also make up a big part of the marketplace. Can these businesses also replicate a fine dining experience using reheated, frozen meals? It depends who you ask.

By reading their websites, NutriSystem delivers gourmet fresh-frozen foods for just $9 per day. Bistro MD supplies low-calorie gourmet food. Magic Kitchen prepares gourmet food without preservatives, except as required by the USDA. DineWise says they not only have a huge selection of gourmet meals, but you can also experience fine dining in the comfort of your home. Artiko Chef offers gourmet gifts.

Without a doubt, a lot of the companies online market their products as prepared gourmet meals. If a company decides to advertise themselves as gourmet, their meal delivery services should employ better cooks and make use of higher quality, more expensive products. Granted, you should expect to pay more when purchasing from one. It is probably very improbable a $3 meal could be gourmet, but there are ways to discover which services do meet their advertising.

Tips to Look For When Buying Gourmet Meals

Consumer reviews may be notably useful in selecting which meals are indeed gourmet and, which just tell you they are. By examining consumer reviews, you will see if the meals you are taking into consideration lived up to customers' expectations. The reviews will usually tell you if a meal delivery service had been professional and punctual with its shipping.

You could also check if a gourmet diet meal actually tasted like a high quality meal, or if it was simply one other dull diet meal you could shop for at the supermarket. Reviews can include pictures, so you can even have a sense of what your food may be like before it arrives.

Gourmet meal delivery services match the requirements of a distinct group of customers, namely people that do not care about paying more to get good quality food that they don't have to privately make, or go "take out" from anywhere. For these consumers, these kinds of services make a convenient way of getting a flavorful, hassle-free gourmet meal. So long as you read through shopper reviews and order wisely, there is no reason that you will not make a meal at home which tastes like it was prepared at your favorite extravagant restaurant.

As a final point, make certain to check if a company gives a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. The companies that do are letting you know they stand behind the standard of their meals and their service. And that is something you typically are unable to get at a gourmet dining restaurant.

Visit the leading website regarding customer Prepared Meals reviews, and discover the ideal Meal Delivery provider for your needs. Get a better price while using most current coupons and discount codes.

Marmellata di arance

Di fronte all'impresa di preparare in casa confetture o marmellate, qualche volta ci si spaventa, ma a torto, perché, in fondo, il procedimento è più semplice di quel che si pensa. Innanzitutto, occorre distinguere tra confetture e marmellate. La confettura è una preparazione in cui la frutta si mantiene intera o a grossi pezzi, mentre la marmellata è una preparazione in cui la frutta si presenta come una sorta di purea, perché cotta a lungo o perché passata al setaccio prima di essere mescolata allo zucchero.

Quest'oggi prepariamo una marmellata di arance.

La primissima operazione sarà quella di lavare per bene le arance, specie se trattate, poiché di esse verrà utilizzata anche parte della buccia

Successivamente peliamo le arance "a vivo", cioè, togliamo non solo la buccia esterna, ma anche la pellicina bianca interna, in quanto amarognola

Lo stesso faremo con la parte centrale attaccata alla polpa, dividendo le arance a metà

Poi, tagliamo la polpa a piccoli pezzi

e la riponiamo in una terrina capiente insieme al succo

Uniamo lo zucchero e alcune scorzette di arance e di limoni (sempre privi della parte bianca)

Trasferiamo il composto in un tegame antiaderente e poniamo sul fuoco a cuocere per un paio d'ore, mescolando spesso con un cucchiaio di legno

Dopo un certo tempo di bollitura si formerà in superficie una sciuma che toglieremo con un mestolo forato. Quando la marmellata avrà raggiunto il giusto punto di cottura, la versiamo calda nei vasetti di vetro per conserva, che chiuderemo ermeticamente e faremo bollire per qualche minuto per sterilizzare

E voilà...riponiamo i vasetti in luogo fresco, buio e asciutto.

View the original article here

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Gourmet Gift Basket - Sensational Gift For All Occasions

If you ever wonder what to send to your clients, friends or loved ones, send a gourmet gift basket. Gourmet baskets are the most versatile gifts that are appropriate for any occasion. Who wouldn't want to receive an elegant basket filled with gourmet treats? Indeed, it is not unusual for recipients to keep the beautiful basket intact for a while so they can admire their present longer. There are many types of gourmet baskets to choose from. This article provides an overview of different types of gourmet gift baskets available and tips for sending these gifts.

Gourmet baskets come in many different themes. They can be used for providing a romantic dinner for two to serving as extravagant office treats. Gourmet baskets can be sent for birthday, anniversary, housewarming, thank you, sympathy, or congratulations. They can be sent as corporate gifts to your clients and business referrals, or to your friends and loved ones.

Popular gourmet baskets usually contain generous assortment of fine gourmet treats, such as fine chocolates, cheeses, fruits and nuts mix, gourmet cookies, crackers, gourmet coffee, and other savory snacks. For food connoisseurs, you may want to send a gourmet food basket filled with lobster pate, tomato basil cheese, Romano cheese sticks, Pimento stuffed olives, herb salami, rosemary herb baquette breadsticks, double chocolate mocha truffles, water crackers, Kasilof smoke salmon, pistachios and a wood style cutting board for serving all these items on.

Italian gift baskets are another type of popular gourmet gifts. They deliver everything you need for a grand Italian dinner,including pasta sauce, thin spaghetti, Penna pasta, Italian bread sticks, Haute Cuisine Italian cookies, vinaigrette, Parmesan Bruschetta bag, artichoke hearts, double chocolate truffles, Pimento stuffed olives, Salmon fillets, extra virgin olive oil, and cream filled pastry cookies. These gourmet food baskets are great corporate gifts, or for birthday, congratulations or thank you.

For your wife's birthday, or your anniversary, you may want to send a breakfast basket, which is associated with warmth, comfort and good taste. Imagine her delight when she receives a beautiful cloth lined muffin and bread basket filled with fantastic breakfast favorites, including classic buttermilk pancake mix, New England maple syrup, Belgian waffles, cinnamon nut coffee, Perugina chocolates, and cappuccino rolled wafer cookies. If you prefer ready to eat breakfast, then you can send a scrumptious selection of fresh baked goodness in a wicker basket. Packed with moist, rich pound cake, chocolate chip blondies, and brownies with walnuts, this basket offers a great way to start the day of your loved one.

Coffee gift basket is a dream present for coffee connoisseurs. In addition to premium coffee, the container is filled with shortbread cookies, chocolate chip cookies, capuccio caramels, creamy coffee candies. Some coffee baskets come with coffee mugs or a CD of classical music, and are ideal for sending your sincerest wishes to friends and co-workers. Similarly, tea gift basket can be sent to tea lovers.

Chocolates are favorites for most people, especially women. The chocolate gift basket may be the perfect present for your girl friend, mom, or female boss. You can send a box of chocolate truffles, or a basket filled with premium chocolate bars, chocolate covered pretzels, Italian chocolate espresso cake, chocolate biscotti chunks, chocolate popcorn, brownies, and cookies. The chocolate gift basket will provide the most delightful chocolate experience. It is the perfect present for you to make friends, make amends, or say I love you.

Meat and cheese gifts are men's favorites. For male recipients, you can send a tray filled with delicious Heart of Wisconsin cheeses, mustards, sausages and crackers. The wooden tray will come in handy for serving the gourmet meat and cheese.

Gourmet baskets for individuals with dietary restriction are also available. You can send gifts that are sugar free, Kosher, or heart healthy, according to your recipient's needs. Special theme gourmet baskets are also available. For example, for the bookworm in your life, you can send a book lover chest which comes in a book end chest filled with gourmet treats and coffee to enjoy during reading time. For recipients who are always on the go, you can send a travelling gourmet tower, which consists of 3 faux leather suitcases for a treat on the go. The suitcases are filled with savory treats such as tomato basil crackers, vanilla cream cocoa, sliced beef salami, honey sweet peanuts, chocolate chip cookies, assorted chocolates, buttery almond toffee, garlic cheese spread, vanilla caramels, cheddar cheese pretzel sticks, and gourmet roast coffee. The 3 suitcases will be great for travelers for years to come.

In conclusion, gourmet baskets are the most versatile gifts that are great for any occasion. There are many themes to choose from, including gourmet food, breakfast, coffee, tea, Italian, chocolate, sugar free, meat and cheese. No matter whether it is for your clients, friends, or loved ones, you can sure leave a lasting impression with a gourmet gift basket.

Kate S. is the CEO of Gift Basket for All, LLC. You can shop at her website,, for sensational gift baskets for all occasions.

For products information on Gourmet Gift Basket, visit:

Gourmet Cooking - How To Become A Gourmet Chef

Gourmet cooking is a way of preparing food that only uses the finest and freshest possible ingredients. Meaning that to eat astonishing gourmet food you must cook your cuisine straight after buying the fresh ingredients to put in your foods. Not just do you wish to purchase the freshest ingredients when cooking gourmet meals but you also want to insure that you are selecting ingredients of excellent quality.

Those who excel at gourmet cooking and food preparation have many options accessible to them. When you come from a big family it's exciting to be able to invite everybody for a first class banquet at your house.

Just don't think that any and everyone can turn into a gourmet connoisseur only by going out and picking up the absolute best ingredients and putting them into an oven. You require a lot of passion for gourmet cooking and a large quantity of skill which is essential to accomplish this level of gourmet excellence.

Unfortunately fresh ingredients are not always on hand therefore compromises ought to be made when preparing gourmet foods. Contact your favorite shop so you know what is in season and plan your dishes accordingly whenever possible. When cooking gourmet food the layering of flavors is very essential. You should be able to taste the meat or seafood as well as the veggies, herbs, and spices to make you a true gourmet chef.

When making your gourmet dish you will require more then just great tasting skills. As I talked about above gourmet cooking desires a large ability but there is some degree of art involved as well. For this reason, presentation is a key part for success. Add a few freshly chopped herbs on the plate before placing the cooking or top the food with appealing and aromatic herbs that will compliment the flavor of the meal you have prepared. Present the fruits and vegetable sides in a visually appealing fashion rather than simply tossing them onto a plate.

With good presentation even foods that were simple to cook can take on the taste of a gourmet banquet. This is something you should take into account. The thing about gourmet cooking is that it is to some extent more art than science. This means that there is always room to develop your competencies and become a good cook.

Even if you are the most experienced chef, know that knowledge can grow over time with determination and desire to learn.

Nevertheless when you want to be absolutely certain about the excellence of your gourmet dinner, when for instance inviting your closest friends or new mother in law, you might think about having a more experienced chef make your dinner for you. You can then have it delivered to your kitchen before your guests arrive. It's up to you whether you will take the honor for serving a gourmet dinner.

For great gourmet dinners delivered straight to your kitchen go to [].

Enjoy the recognition!

Martin Seij

Healthy Snack Recipes

F&W’s Grace Parisi offers six good-for-you recipes that satisfy a craving for something crispy and salty.

F&W’s annual healthy issue can’t come too soon for me. Like 401(k) savings deducted automatically from my paycheck, it forces me to do something virtuous—not fiscally, but physically. This year, I’ve been thinking about snacking and trying to figure out how to satisfy my cravings and get something nutritious into my body at the same time. The six recipes here do both. The black pepper kettle corn, for instance, is low in fat and sugar and high in fiber. The Japanese-inspired snack mix delivers lots of iodine, iron and protein. And the smoked-almond butter (delicious on apples or fennel) is an amazing source of fiber, healthy fats and vitamin E. Even better, most of these snacks take no more than 15 minutes to prepare, so they can satisfy a craving almost as soon as it hits.

Rice Chex cereal makes a good substitute for the rice flakes in the crunchy Asian snack mix (right).

Instead of pecans, try tossing slivered almonds with the mix before baking.

Add 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds before baking for more Asian flavor.

Healthy Snack Recipes

Healthy snack recipes, like a tasty, Asian-inspired riff on Chex Mix. Photo © Quentin Bacon.

View the original article here

Taking Gourmet Cooking Classes

Impressive Gourmet Foods

Joining a creative cooking school will teach you the necessary skills you need to prepare gourmet foods. There are many different gourmet foods you can learn to cook, such as gourmet meats, seafood, coffee, chocolate, and more.

Hard to Find Meats

Gourmet meats are especially popular finer gourmet foods and this includes ribs, pork chops, and smoked turkey, just to name a few of the many you can choose from. Gourmet meats can be implemented into meals all throughout the day, and there are various cuts of gourmet meats, which differ in terms of their tenderness and flavor.

If you do live in an area that has a great supply of gourmet meats make friends with the in house butcher. Tell him what type of event you are planning and how many people will be attending. He will be able to furnish you with all the information about the type of meat and its cost that you can serve to your guests that is sure to impress. Locating Gourmet Coffee

Finding that perfect cup of gourmet coffee amongst the myriad of brands available can be a tedious task. The flavor is contingent upon many factors. They type of bean and where it is grown, the way it is shipped and packaged, how fine the grind and finally brewing method.

Starting or finishing a meal of finer gourmet foods with a cup of gourmet coffee is adamant. If you have spent the time and extra money on the main course you will also want to serve the most flavorful cup of java. Starting with a flavored coffee and ending with a cappuccino or espresso is recommended.

Finally the Chocolate

Of course no talk of finer gourmet foods would be complete without discussing gourmet chocolate. Everyone loves chocolate, and in fact there are very few foods in history that are as highly prized as chocolate.

Gifts of gourmet chocolate truffles, fudge, dipped fruits etc., are all highly prized by the recipient. They can be found online and shipped directly to your friend or loved one.

Searching for finer gourmet foods can be done easily online. They can be shipped conveniently to your front door and added to your next gourmet meal or dinner party menu. Whether you are looking for gourmet meats, coffee or chocolates it is always worth it to take gourmet cooking classes. The the extra time and effort will definitely pay off with the compliments you will receive.

Find the latest information on Creative Cooking School as well as Cooking School.

Ben Sargent is Hooked on Miami

Ben Sargent, host of TV’s Hook, Line & Dinner, visits Miami in pursuit of the elusive snakehead fish, and shares insights about urban angling and sustainable species while eating at the city’s great seafood restaurants.

It’s just past dawn, and I’m standing, sopping wet and freezing cold, on a small bass-fishing boat in Plantation, Florida, a suburb about 30 minutes north of Miami. I’m with Ben Sargent, expert urban fisherman and host of the Cooking Channel’s Hook, Line & Dinner series. I’m utterly miserable, but Ben is unfazed. He keeps casting his line, hell-bent on landing a snakehead, the troublesome fish he has been after, unsuccessfully, for the past five years. “One just struck,” he shouts when the canal waters stir around his lure—but, upon reeling in an empty hook, he lets out an exasperated, guttural, “Oh, come on!”

After more than a hundred rain-soaked casts, Sargent finally pulls in a teensy snakehead, maybe eight inches long. He holds it up, full of pride: “I don’t care how small it is,” he says, “I finally got one.” Looking for a photo op, he continues to cast his line, aiming at driftwood and weeds. Then, suddenly, entirely by accident, he hooks a three-foot-long snakehead—one of the biggest he’s ever seen.

Ben Sargent fishes in Biscayne Bay Ben Sargent angling for needlefish in Biscayne Bay. Photo © Graciela Cattarossi.

We aren’t even supposed to be on a boat, or in a suburb. Sargent and I have traveled to Miami to check out the many bridges and piers where you can drop a line and catch a fish within city limits. Our goal: to learn what it means to serve local, sustainable fish in a seafood capital like Miami, and then taste that fish at the restaurants that cook it best. But we’ve been sidetracked by what Sargent calls “the damned snakehead.” He had already dragged a New York Times reporter to a dank marsh near LaGuardia Airport in search of one (no luck!) and had gotten so frustrated chasing them in Maryland that he jumped into the water with a snorkeling mask and spear.

Originally from Asia, the snakehead fish has rapidly spread through US freshwater systems over the past 10 years and has the potential to destroy almost everything in its path. It is enough of a threat to local ecosystems that many states have made possession of the fish illegal. “I first became obsessed with the snakehead when one literally jumped into my boat. I dove on top of it with all my weight—I’ve never battled a fish with my bare hands like that,” Sargent says. “Hours later, on dry land, the thing started thrashing again, scaring me to death.”

Dressed in a plaid shirt and jeans, Sargent, 34, looks like he’s prepared for a fish skirmish at any moment. A serious outdoorsman, he somehow made a name for himself on the streets of New York as Doktor Klaw, an alter ego who wore a gold lobster-claw necklace and sold lobster rolls illegally, without a license. Now he’s hosting the second season of his TV show, for which he travels around the country, fishing for the local catch and cooking it up in local restaurants.

A native New Englander, Sargent is the most public face of a family of fishing and oceanography experts. “I’m almost the black sheep of the family,” he says. “I feel like they look at me and think, Why does Ben get to do all this stuff? We’re the ones who study it.” He’s not kidding: His stepsister, Leah Feinberg, is one of the world’s leading authorities on copepods, a type of minuscule crustacean; his brother, David, runs the Gloucester, Massachusetts, Shellfish Department; his grandfather, a former Massachusetts governor, was also the state’s head of fisheries; and his father, an environmentalist and author, wrote a book about the sea life of Cape Cod’s shallow waters. “My father can walk down the beach and tell you a story about every little thing he picks up, from shells to horseshoe crabs,” says Sargent. “The first time you hear it, it’s mind-blowing. The second time, you think, This man is amazing. The third time, you’re like, Does he know how to talk about anything else? And the answer is no.”

Ben Sargent: Yellow Jack Ceviche at Miami’s Tuyo Ben Sargent tastes yellow jack ceviche with caviar and papaya at Miami’s Tuyo. Photo © Graciela Cattarossi.

Once we arrive in Miami, Sargent and I head straight to Garcia’s, a restaurant that has served local seafood for 46 years, much of it from its own fleet of fishing boats. We sit on the back patio, overlooking the Miami River, as commercial fishing vessels and party boats idle by. Sargent recalls the last time he was here, when the Garcia brothers taught him how to harvest spiny lobsters responsibly. “Their trap will rot out if it ever gets lost at sea, so the lobsters can escape,” he informs me, stabbing a hunk of grilled lobster tail with his fork and dunking it in drawn butter.

While the Garcias’ menu includes local catches like conch and grouper, there’s one clearly nonlocal fish: wild salmon, from Chile. “Why is salmon on a menu that focuses on Miami seafood?” Sargent wonders aloud. “I think we’ve developed a bad habit, where seafood restaurants think they have to serve salmon to make customers happy.”

It’s a sentiment echoed by chef Andrew Carmellini, who recently opened a branch of his New York City restaurant The Dutch in the sleek, breezy W South Beach hotel. It can be a struggle, Carmellini says, to balance his desire to promote lesser-known sustainable fish with pressure to serve the standbys. “It would be easy to put tuna on our menu, but I don’t want to,” he tells me. “Instead, I offer wahoo, which is tuna-like. People ask why we don’t just sell tuna instead of this funny fish that sounds like yahoo.” Some local specialties are also, happily, total crowd-pleasers, none more so than sweet stone-crab claws, on Carmellini’s menu through May. “Fishermen are required to throw the crab back after removing one or both claws,” Sargent tells me. “The crab ends up regenerating even bigger, stronger claws, so it’s more than sustainable.” I’m happy to be doing the crab a favor as I dig into the claw on my plate.

Ben Sargent and chef Norman Van Aken Ben Sargent and chef Norman Van Aken in the kitchen. Photo © Graciela Cattarossi.

Stone crabs aside, sustainable seafood issues are tricky, both for out-of-towners like Carmellini and for local chefs. Horacio Rivadero, the seafood-obsessed chef of Latin-inspired favorite OLA and the stylish new Dining Room, admits he’s often forced to make difficult decisions. “When a fisherman tells me he has lobster from Maine that’s sustainable, and Key West snapper that’s local but not sustainable, I have to choose,” Rivadero explains. “I think sustainable is more important.” But he has found seafood that fits into both categories, such as cobia, a tender, white-fleshed fish that’s farmed in the Caribbean. At the Dining Room, he serves it as a ceviche topped with grapefruit sorbet.

It’s nearly midnight by the time we leave. Before seeing us off, Rivadero’s staff gives us a tip: The best place to fish is Key Biscayne, an island off the southernmost point of the city.

The next day, we park under the Rickenbacker Causeway, the sweeping bridge that connects the mainland to Key Biscayne, and find a spot with a view of downtown Miami’s aqua-and-white high-rises. Next to us, several men are standing with rods and plastic buckets. Sargent unloads a camouflage rod bag loaded with five poles and a dangerous-looking spear gun. It feels a little like arriving at a duck hunt with a machine gun, but he explains that fishing methods vary so much from one location to the next that it’s best to come over-prepared.

Casting his line into the clear blue bay water, Sargent soon gets the attention of some slender, silvery needlefish. Hooking them, though, proves to be a bigger challenge. We can see their tweezer-like beaks chasing the lures, but they seem wise to the subterfuge, darting away without taking a bite. “These are the moments I love. When you think, I’m sure I can’t catch anything here. And the next minute, you have a 20-pound fish on your line,” Sargent says. Today, though, won’t prove so fruitful. We catch not a single needlefish.

Ben Sargent joins chef Norman Van Aken for a snakehead tasting. Chef Norman Van Aken serves up Ben Sargent’s snakehead catch. Photo © Graciela Cattarossi.

Sargent is not deflated: He still feels the rush from reeling in the snakeheads. We bring them as a gift to Florida’s original celebrity chef, Norman Van Aken, whose new restaurant, Tuyo, comprises the top floor of the year-old Miami Culinary Institute. Van Aken has prepared us a stunning seafood lunch, and he has graciously agreed to cook up our catch. He and Sargent team up to clean the bigger snakehead, and after the flurry of scales settles, two pristine white fillets sit atop a cutting board.

Van Aken serves us custardy corn pudding studded with sweet Gulf shrimp, a Key West yellowtail-snapper fillet with spinach and silky mashed potatoes, and then the snakehead, cooked simply and served with lime wedges. It tastes amazing, like a cross between monkfish and swordfish, with none of the muddy flavor that’s common with freshwater fish. Seeing it on a plate, finally, gets Sargent thinking. “Can we call a snakehead local if it’s not native? Is it a sustainable fish? I don’t know—these terms don’t work for everything,” he says, then shakes his head and digs in, forgetting the complex argument for the moment. “It really tastes great.”

Ben Sargent: Tuyo Restaurant Tuyo, one of Ben Sargent’s Miami seafood restaurant picks. Photo © Graciela Cattarossi.

Open since 1966, Garcia’s is a Miami institution. Most of its seafood, including yellowtail snapper, spiny lobster and stone-crab claws, comes from its own fleet of fishing boats. 398 NW North River Dr.; 305-375-0765 or

Last November, chef Andrew Carmellini—who grew up vacationing in Miami—opened this sister restaurant to his New York City location. Its menu features local seafood, such as the tuna-like wahoo. 2201 Collins Ave.; 305-938-3111 or

This warm and unassuming Miami Beach restaurant from Horacio Rivadero (also executive chef at OLA) feels like a true neighborhood spot; try the cobia ceviche with yuzu juice and grapefruit sorbet. 413 Washington Ave.; 305-397-8444 or

Star chef Norman Van Aken prepares dishes like corn pudding with Gulf shrimp at his latest restaurant. It’s located on the top floor of the new Miami Culinary Institute, with sweeping views of downtown. Miami Dade College, 415 NE Second Ave.; 305-237-3200 or

Star chefs reveal their favorite fishing spots. Ben Sargent is Hooked on Miami

Ben Sargent fishes in Biscayne Bay before joining chef Norman Van Aken for a snakehead tasting. Photo © Graciela Cattarossi.

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Dorie Greenspan on Desserts, Baking, and Restaurants in Paris

Phenomenal baker, cookbook author and bon vivant, Dorie Greenspan, shares her favorite dessert recipes, cooking tools and Paris restaurants with Facebook fans.

Hi Dorie, what’s your favorite cheesecake to make and/or eat?
I’m a fan of the old-fashioned tall New York-style cheesecake—the one that’s baked.

Do you have a favorite recipe for Galette des Rois?
The recipe that I’ve been using for years is the one in Paris Sweets. It’s very classic: two rounds of good puff pastry filled with almond cream—the same cream I use as the base for baked fruit tarts, except I give it an extra shot of rum.

Are there any "must have" baking tools?
No baker should be without: oven thermometer, accurate measuring cups and spoons, a kitchen scale, a great rolling pin and heavy-duty baking sheets.

What suggestions do you have for pairing the wines with specific chocolates and cake flavors?
I find that chocolate is not so easy to pair with wine. I’ve had luck pairing it with Mas Amiel, Banyuls and fruity, Syrah-based wines. When I made the chocolate-cayenne cookies for Food & Wine, they paired them with Lambrusco and I thought that was genius.

Hi Dorie, a friend asked me to make cookies using beer. Any advice?
I’ve never made cookies with beer. Hmmm. I don’t know if this is doable, but I’m wondering if you shouldn’t boil the beer down to a syrup to concentrate its flavor and then use the syrup in your cookies. I’d love to know what you come up with.

What are some of your favorite cookies that won’t go stale quickly?
When it comes to cookies that are good keepers, I think you can go two almost opposite ways: go for biscotti or other ’dry’ cookies, cookies that you can ’refresh’ by popping them in the oven for a few minutes, if necessary; or you can go for buttery cookies like shortbreads, always good keepers.

What is the most attractive dessert you regularly make and how do you go about the decorating process?
I make very simple desserts and it’s rare that I decorate them. This past weekend, I made an open-faced free-form apple tart, a galette, and the beautifully browned apples were all the decoration the tart had. Similarly, I’ll make cookies and depend on their shape for decoration (or a dusting of sparkle sugar) or make a cake in a great shape and let the graphic form be the decoration.

What’s the one thing in your kitchen you could not live without—be it a utensil, ingredient, appliance, or otherwise?
I’ve got a kitchen—okay three kitchens—filled with lots and lots of gear, but the tools I come back to over and over again are very basic: my measuring equipment, my baking pans, my Dutch ovens, and, of course, my stand mixer. I’d never want to be without my mixer.

My meringues are a bit marshmallow-like in the center, how do I get them to have a consistent texture throughout?
I know your problem and feel your pain. I think you should bake them at a very low temperature for a long period—you’re really drying them out, not baking them—and then prop the oven door open for the last 1/2 hour to let out any steam in the oven.

What are the most important skills for a baker?
I think it’s important to understand blending—when butter, sugar and eggs are properly mixed—to be able to make and roll out a dough, to know how things should bake. The best part about learning the skills for baking or cooking is that they’re obtained by practice and practice in this arena is very delicious.

Hi Dorie, what inexpensive hidden food gems have you found in Paris?
I find the supermarkets in Paris jam-packed with little gems and my favorite place to shop for food to take home for myself or to give as gifts is G. Detou-great salts and peppers, caramel chips made with salted butter and terrific sardines.

What is your favorite pâtisserie in Paris?
It’s not possible to name just one—impossible! But my favorite is Pierre Herme. I also really, really like the new Gontran Cherrier, particularly for simple cakes and breads, Hugo and Victor—their pastries have a fabulous look, as does their shop—and Pâtisserie des Rêves.

Hi Dorie! I am working my way through your baking book. I have loved everything so far, especially the French Lemon Creme Tart and World Peace Cookies. Are you working on any new books?
I am thrilled that you’re working—I prefer to think that your playing—your way through Baking From My Home to Yours. I, too, love the Lemon Cream (I’ve got a bowl of it awaiting tarthood in my fridge now) and the World Peace Cookies. I am working on a new book about baking in France. It’ll be out in Fall 2013!

I just received your book Around my French Table. I love it! What are some of your favorite recipes?
Yay—I’m so glad you’re liking the book! Now, with winter here, some of my favorites are Pumpkin Stuffed with Everything Good, Hachis Parmentier, My Go-to-Beef Daube, Marie-Helene’s Apple Cake and the Endives, Apple and Grape dish. I hope you find your own favorites.

How do you stay so healthy and trim with all of your scrumptious recipes?
So funny—I practice what I call Bake (or Cook) and Release: I bake, taste and give away a lot of what I make. Since I can be baking four or five things a day, it’s impossible for me to keep everything. And besides, giving things away makes my neighbors so happy :)

If you were to dive into another culinary culture, what would it be?
What an interesting question. I haven’t considered this before, but I think were I to dive, as you say, I’d dive into the foods of Southeast Asia. Maybe. Hmmm. A good question to dream on.

I grew-up in your neck of the woods in Connecticut and would love to know if there are any can’t-miss places you frequent while home. Cheese at Fromage? Meat from Cliff’s? I’m still in search of a great bakery too— any recent finds?
I love Fromage and yes, I buy meat from Cliff’s as well as from Bennie’s Market. I’m terrible to ask about bakeries, since I bake everything at home, except the great baguettes that I buy at Pip’s, the really good restaurant at the Copper Beech Inn. I love River Tavern, Alforno and Brasserie Pip’s, Bishop’s Orchards and the fabulous Star Fish Market in Guilford. And Ashlawn Farm coffee and the Farmer’s Markets at Ashlawn and Chester. This is making me a little homesick.

Apricot-Tarragon Cocktail Cookies

Apricot-Tarragon Cocktail Cookies. © Quentin Bacon

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Top Chef Top 10: Mike Isabella

Fast-talking, deeply talented and sometimes abrasive, Mike Isabella was a tough competitor on Top Chef All-Stars. The DC chef tells F&W’s Kate Krader about 10 of his obsessions.

“The most beautiful place I’ve ever been. A lot of the hotels and houses are built right into the cliffs. I got to see the best sunsets in the world.”

“He’s the funniest comedian today. He always plays a grown man acting like a big kid. I can relate; I still sometimes think of myself as a kid at a carnival.”

“If you make whole-wheat pasta right, it has the same silky texture as regular pasta. I serve it with arugula pesto to give it a spring flavor.”

“That movie gave me goose bumps. Natalie Portman was one of the judges who sent me home on Top Chef Season 6, so I’m not really a fan, but her Black Swan performance was unreal.”

“I’m a pool kind of guy. I grew up going to the Jersey Shore, but I didn’t go in the ocean there; the water’s not appealing.”

“Between Season 6 and All-Stars I gained about 40 pounds. So far, I’ve lost 25 of them.”

“I like thick noodles; bucatini is my favorite. Growing up we’d buy it, but now I make it really fast with my Kitchen Aid mixer’s pasta attachment.”

“At Bandolero, I’ll serve Mexican small plates. I cooked at a Mexican place early in my career; this is my take on that.”

Mike Isabella: Frankie Flood Pizza Cutters

“Frankie Flood pizza cutters [like the Pizza for Life, above] look like motorcycles. One of my tattoos is based on their Easy Rider cutter.”

“My restaurant Graffiato is across the street from where they play. I hope Alex Ovechkin becomes my best customer.”

Mike Isabella

Top Chef all-star Mike Isabella. Photo © Greg Powers.

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Base per pizza

La pizza è uno dei piatti più famosi al mondo! Vediamo come prepare un ottima base per della deliziosa pizza fatta con le nostre mani!

Facciamo sciogliere il lievito all'interno del latte tiepido.

Versiamo la farina su una spianatoia formando una montagnola, scaviamo una conca nel centro e aggiungiamo a poco a poco il latte con in lievito. Iniziamo a mescolare versando anche l'acqua e del sale.

Continuamo ad impastare fino ad ottenere un impasto morbido ed elastico. Con un coltello tracciamo una croce e posizioniamo il panetto all'interno di una terrina, copriamo con un canovaccio e lasciamo lievitare per almeno due ore.

A lievitazione ultimata la traccia non si vedrà più. Siamo ora pronti per stendere la pasta e condirla con cosa più ci piace!

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Recipe of the Day

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

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Picnic Accessories for the Gourmet Diner

Picnic accessories are available in many different styles and designs, and can even be bought in a gourmet range to spice up the day. Having a gourmet picnic is not as hard as people think, with some careful planning it can be a fantastic event. Although gourmet means different things to different people, the concept is very simple. Gourmet simply means a meal or ingredient of high quality, and fantastic presentation. Spending time to source the perfect foods, wine and accessories will guarantee the ideal gourmet picnic.

Gourmet picnics are ideal for romantic afternoons or family gatherings. Any occasion that calls for amazing food, in stunning settings will be a fantastic day. This style of picnic does not need to be expensive; however it does need to be well thought out. Although it may cost slightly more than the average picnic, the quality of the food and picnic accessories are worth it. The food that is selected is very important for this style of picnic. Gourmet signifies excellent food no matter where it is being served. Although the food is high quality it does not need to be difficult, often the simplest things are the best.

Cheeses, breads, salads, dips, meats, fruit and of course wine are all often seen in gourmet picnics. These are not difficult foods to find or prepare, however, they need to be the best. Finding simple yet classic foods is ideal olives; salmon and strong cheeses pack a lot of flavor and will ensure the picnic is remembered. Even simple sandwiches can be improved by the filling or bread being altered to something unusual and full of taste. As well as finding the ideal foods for the gourmet picnic the right picnic accessories are essential.

It will be a disaster having amazing food served on awful plates, and wine drunk from plastic or paper cups. It is the little touches that make all of the difference when trying to create the perfect picnic. Ensuring that the wine is served chilled is essential, freezing it the night before and allowing thawing naturally is ideal. Also taking ice packs will keep everything cool and fresh for your gourmet picnic. Serving the wine in glasses and the food on plates with silver wear is essential.

There are some great picnic accessories that will enable the whole dinner service to be bought in one set. Often these will come supplied in the perfect gourmet picnic basket. No picnic is complete without the ideal basket to serve everything from. These can be found in several different materials; however, wicker is very traditional and looks great.

A classic picnic blanket is also essential, and can create the finishing touches to the day. Often these will come supplied with the picnic basket, and if not they can be bought separately very easily. Once all of the picnic accessories have been bought, and the basket has been packed full of gourmet food and wine. The last thing to do is enjoy the day with great friends and family, experiencing gourmet food in amazing scenery. No matter what the budget is for the day s o much can be achieved with some imagination.

Nicole Roberts
At Think Picnic Stuff, you will discover an amazing selection of low priced and excellent quality picnic accessories.

Filetti di merluzzo panato

Per tutti coloro che non risultano particolarmente "amici" del pesce...ecco la preparazione di teneri filetti di merluzzo che risulteranno graditi a grandi e piccini...panati e fritti a mo' di cotolette. PQualora non si ha a disposizione il pesce fresco, possiamo tranquillamente utilizzare quello surgelato; naturalmente, per questa preparazione, faremo prima scongelare i filetti. Un altro escamotage, sarà quello della "doppia panatura", ossia il doppio passaggio nell'uovo e nel pangrattato, che renderà la crosta più spessa.

Bagniamo dapprima i filetti ben asciutti nell'uovo battuto e salato

Poi li paniamo nel pangrattato

Poi, come si diceva, procediamo con una doppia bagna nell'uovo

ovviamente su entrambi i lati

e nuovamente anche la panatura nel pangrattato

Immergiamo ora i filetti nell'olio bollente

e li facciamo ben dorare su ambo i lati

Asciughiamo l'unto in eccesso su carta assorbente da cucina e serviamo ben caldi!

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The Hungry Crowd: Natalie Coughlin

The newest member of Food & Wine’s food-obsessed community could become the most decorated American female swimmer ever at this summer’s Olympic Games.

“At a charity event for the aquatics programs at UC Berkeley, my alma mater, I cooked a four-course meal for eight people out of Thomas Keller’s Ad Hoc at Home cookbook. The main course was the Catalan-style short ribs. It took several days—first roasting the beef bones for the stock, and then braising the ribs, and then making the stew. A good friend helped me serve the meal, but I did all the cooking myself. I typed up everything I had to do beforehand so I wouldn’t get distracted.”

“When I’m training, I have a mostly vegetarian diet, but I don’t worry about carbs or calorie counts. And I definitely enjoy some wine with dinner.” Natalie Coughlin: Fresh Eggs Fresh eggs from Natalie Coughlin’s small brood. Photo courtesy of Natalie Coughlin.

“I have five chickens. They’re so easy—if you feed them, protect them and make sure they have water, you get an endless supply of eggs.”

Natalie Coughlin: Vitamix Blender Natalie Coughlin uses her Vitamix to make fresh almond milk. Photo courtesy of Vitamix.

“My Pilates teacher talked me into getting a Vitamix blender. I’m obsessed with it. I use it to make fresh almond milk every morning.”

Natalie Coughlin: Indian-Spiced Edamame In Natalie Coughlin’s garden: edamame, kale, figs and more. Photo © James Baigrie.

“I attempted to grow edamame this year, but animals kept eating it. I grow kale, figs, tomatillos, Eureka lemons, eggplant. Padrón peppers are one of my favorites.”

Natalie Coughlin

Natalie Coughlin, Olympic swimmer. Photo courtesy of Natalie Coughlin.

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