Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Nespresso U: macchinetta da caffè che fonde gusto e tecnologia!

Nespresso U è una delle migliori macchinette concepite dalla Nespresso, una vera novità che saprà soddisfare la maggior parte delle persone che sono in cerca di una macchinetta da caffè che riesce a fondere tutto il gusto con le più moderne tecnologie.


Il design di Nespresso U è minimale. Si tratta di un elettrodomestico molto piccolo, facile da sistemare in ogni angolo della cucina. è il classico strumento che riesce a trovare una collocazione anche la dove non c’è spazio.

Nonostante tutta questa semplicità, la Nespresso U possiede molte funzioni aggiuntive, le quali vanno ben oltre le classiche macchinette da caffè. Il serbatoio contiene quasi un litro d’acqua, si riscalda in pochi secondi e offre la possibilità di scegliere il tipo di caffè desiderato prima di inserire la capsula. Il caffè verrà poi erogato in modo automatico.

Si tratta di una macchinetta Nespresso intelligente, che prepara anche il caffè in automatico. Non dovrete far altro che accenderla e questa, non appena sarà calda, erogherà da sola il caffè. Ricordatevi poi che offre tre modi di erogazione, caffè ristretto, normale e lungo!

La capsula una volta usata viene espulsa in automatico. Il vano apposito contiene 10 capsule.

E per finire, cosa che farà certo molto piacere a tutte voi che state attente al risparmio energetico, la Nespresso U si spegne da sola dopo 9 minuti che non viene utilizzata!

Come potete vedere la Nespresso ha creato una macchinetta facile da usare e molto tecnologica. C’è solo un neo in tutta questa storia. è possibile acquistare le capsule solo all’interno dei negozi Nespresso (online e tradizionali).

Ovviamente ricordatevi che potete sempre, per qualsiasi dubbio o incertezza, contattare il numero verde Nespresso (lo potete recuperare qui) o visitare il sito, in questo modo potrete valutare i vari modelli disponibili!

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Raw Food Revelations

Two Of The Uks Most Exceptional And Popular Raw Food Health Champions, Have Teamed Up To Bring You Life-changing Audio Conversations, Featuring The Many Ways In Which A Raw Plant Food Lifestyle Can Help You To Achieve Excellent Health And Longevity!

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Boghe al forno al limone

La boga è un pesce d’acqua salata appartenente alla medesima famiglia dei più conosciuti sarago e dentice. Etimologicamente il suo nome significa “occhio di bue”, attribuitogli dalla peculiarità di avere gli occhi molto più grandi rispetto alla bocca.

Si tratta di un pesce dalle carni tenere e povere, conosciuto ed apprezzato in particolare nella regione della Sicilia, laddove viene per lo più consumato attraverso una cottura “al vino”. Tuttavia, la boga ben si presta ad altre tipologie di preparazioni, fra cui, semplicemente fritto oppure al forno, come i più comuni pesci della stessa specie!

La preparazione che abbiamo scelto per voi consta di 2 semplici passaggi e di una breve cottura al forno, con abbondante succo di limone.

Disponi le boghe nella pirofila e condiscileDopo aver ben pulito e lavato i pesci, li disporrete in una pirofila da forno con un fondo di olio e profumate con un generoso trito di prezzemolo fresco

Pesce aromatizzato al limone e cotto al fornoPonete in forno preriscaldato e cuocete per circa un quarto d'ora. Servite caldo in tavola

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Find the Right Wine for the Holidays With Gnarly Head

'Tis the season to be bold, sophisticated, and gnarly. Be prepared for any holiday event or stylish party with Gnarly Head wines. Match the right bottle to any occasion, from office get-togethers to neighborhood cookie swaps, and inspire cheer and good tidings wherever you go. Whether you’re hosting a cocktail party or attending a potluck, the Gnarlidays channel the best of the season—good food, festive traditions, cozy settings, and great company. Take the stress out of deciding which wine to bring—or serve—at your next holiday mixer with these expert suggestions. Gnarly Head Photo Courtesy of the Gnarly Head

Show your boss you have finesse, strength, and the ability to multitask with a bottle of Gnarly Head Authentic Red. The juicy core of lush blackberry, plum, and black cherry flavors layered with spice and chocolate make it complex, yet delicious. A blend based on Zinfandel grown on some of the oldest vines in California, Syrah, and Merlot with a splash of Malbec, this wine is the result of creativity and experience

Bake up your favorite holiday treats and head to your neighborhood cookie swap with a bottle of Gnarly Head Chardonnay. Its bright and refreshing aromas of lemon zest and green apple with just a hint of toasty oak make it the perfect companion to sweet and spiced baked goods. Savor the big, bold flavors of citrus and pear with a touch of vanilla while snacking on gingersnaps, iced sugar cookies, and other holiday classics.

Get into the competitive spirit of this quirky holiday ritual and keep your social game strong with a bottle of Gnarly Head Pinot Grigio. This wine’s light and zesty character is an ideal pick for this festive little game of snapping up the most coveted present. Crisp and refreshing with aromas of citrus blossom, honeysuckle, and white peach, as well as flavors of nectarine, lemon, and honeydew, it offers a clean, mouthwatering finish.

Catch up with old friends and reminisce over a chilled bottle of Gnarly Head Authentic White. Dust off the photo albums and pull out the yearbooks, but don’t get too bogged down by nostalgia with this refreshing white blend. The flavors of honeysuckle, nectarine, and tropical fruits balanced by lemon zest and a crisp clean finish make it a great vino for toasting both the past and the present.

Don your favorite party dress or tailored suit and indulge in some sophisticated holiday cheer with Gnarly Head Pinot Noir. Whether you’re hosting or attending a cocktail party, this elegant vino offers supple aromas with flavors of red cherry, vanilla, earth, and spice, as well as hints of toasted hazelnut, tobacco, and cigar box. Inspire sparkling conversation and let your good taste shine through with this captivating red that makes a statement.

Throw on a flannel shirt and some lumberjack boots to chop down your own Christmas tree—or shovel the driveway after a snowstorm. After a day outdoors, reward your hard work with a hearty glass of Gnarly Head Cabernet Sauvignon and some freshly roasted chestnuts. This dark, bold Cab has aromas and flavors of black cherry, blackberry, and toasted black peppercorn that make it especially satisfying on a cold day.

Craft a playlist mixing up new and old favorites and invite friends and family to decorate a holiday tree. While hanging ornaments and stringing lights, serve Gnarly Head Malbec with bite-size appetizers, like artisan pigs in a blanket made with andouille sausage. Loaded with dark berry fruit aromas and flavors of blueberry and blackberry jam, this flavorful Malbec is a reliable crowd-pleaser. When you’re done, rally for some caroling in the neighborhood.

Cook up a secret family recipe and bring a bottle of Gnarly Head Merlot for this culinary get-together. One of the best parts of the holiday season is sampling an array of dishes from around the country—and around the world. Likewise, Gnarly Head’s versatile Merlot complements a smorgasbord of flavors with its velvety tannins and lush dark fruit, as well as aromas of black cherry, ripe plum, and baking spices.

Ring in the New Year and toast good times with Gnarly Head Old Vine Zinfandel. Whether you’re going to a large party or having a quiet gathering around the fireplace at home with a few close friends, this classic wine offers a delicious core of rich, dark raspberry and black cherry flavors with layers of spice and chocolate balanced by complex toasty oak notes. Cheers to a happy and healthy New Year.

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La mozzarella alla caprese

Anche se la temperatura può sembrare non proprio idonea a questa preparazione, in realtà, la caprese (intesa come la mozzarella affettata e servita su fette di pari dimensioni di pomodoro, ben distinta pertanto dall’omonimo dolce), ben può costituire una portata completa e veloce, sia d’estate, bella fresca di frigo, sia anche d’inverno, come piatto unico, anche da componente di buffet.

Per la preparazione di questo piatto occorrono pochi minuti e semplici ingredienti.

Affetta i pomodori e salaliDopo aver ben lavato i pomodori, li tagliamo a fette e li disponiamo in un largo piatto da portata. Li spolveriamo di sale

Copri con le fette di mozzarellaAffettiamo anche i fiordilatte, a fette delle medesime dimensioni dei pomodori. Saliamo nuovamente

Insalata di mozzarella e pomodoriCompletiamo con un odore. A vostro piacere la scelta tra foglioline di basilico fresco spezzettate oppure origano in polvere

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Getting Started With The Raw Foods Diet

This Raw Foods Course Is Selling Like Crazy! Aging Baby Boomer Population Has Created Huge Demand! Promote It Now Before It Becomes Competitive! Some Affiliates Are Converting At 15% And You Receive An Amazing $22.00 Per Sale!

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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The People's Best New Bars 2014: Press Materials

Want to become The People’s Best New Bar? Rally your fans and get out the vote with the downloadable buttons and postcards here. The People's Best New Chef Press Materials

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Going Rawr! A Complete Guide To Putting Your Dog On A Raw Food Diet

75% Commission. Help Dog Owners Discover How To Put Their Dogs And Puppies On A Raw Dog Food Diet With This Complete Guide. A Raw Dog Food Diet, Which Is Made Up Of Raw Bones And Meat Is The Best And Most Appropriate Diet For Dogs For Them To Live Longer.

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Raw Food Made Fun, Easy & Beautiful

63 Fun, Easy And Beautiful Raw Food Recipes To Take Your Healthy Cuisine To The Next Level!

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City Guide: Rouen, France

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OriginalCity Guide: Rouen, FranceChristiane Lemieux, founder and Creative Director of and Executive Creative Director of, recently traveled to Rouen, France to stay at the Hôtel de Bourgtheroulde and explore the culture of Rouen. See her recommendations for the city's best sights below. Presented by Autograph Collection Hotels.Christiane LemieuxPhoto Courtesy of Christiane LemieuxThe City

Rouen is one of my favorite destinations in France. It is the capital of Normandy and has been claimed by some to be the birthplace of Impressionism. As a student of Art History, I can't resist a stop at Monet's gorgeous home in Giverny, which is on the road between Rouen and Paris. Impressionist painters from Monet to Gaugin and Pisarro flocked to Rouen from Paris for the gorgeous light and change of scenery. To this day, Monet’s paintings from the Rouen Cathedral Series are some of his most memorable works.

Notre-Dame de Rouen Cathedral

Notre-Dame de Rouen Cathedral is a miracle of architecture. With the tallest spire in France, the building has come to symbolize the resilience of the city itself. The Cathedral was built on its 4th century foundations and continued to evolve with 12th century construction and then reconstruction after World War II. It houses the tomb of Richard the Lionheart the famous Duke of Normandy (as well as his actual heart!)- A fitting tribute to this awe-inspiring Cathedral that is the figural heart of Normandy. An amazing way to see the Cathedral is via "Le Balcon," a space on the top floor of the "Espace Monet-Cathedrale." The building offers an unparalleled view of the city skyline and iconic monuments below.

Gros Horloge

On the way from the Cathedral to the famed Place du Vieux Marche is the Gros Horloge. Housed in a renaissance archway, this gorgeous clock is one of the oldest in France, dating from 1389. It makes for an amazing vista up the street and helps frame the Cathedral.

Joan of Arc

Through the cobblestone streets from the to Cathedral to Place du Vieux Marché, you can marvel at the colorful half-timber Haute-Norman architecture. In the center of the Place is a tall, skinny cross and a church that honors Joan of Arc, my favorite lady boss, who won military acclaim at the Siege of Orleans. She was burned at the stake at this very spot on May 30th, 1431 at the age of nineteen. The architect Louis Arretche designed the striking 1970's church to evoke the flames that engulfed her. It also houses an amazing floor-to-ceiling stained glass window from the 16th century.

Julia Child

Rouen would not be complete without its food lore- you can't discuss French food without mentioning Julia Child and you can't have Julia Child without La Couronne. On Wednesday, November 3, 1948, Julia and Paul Child stopped for lunch at La Couronne after their ferry landed at Le Havre en route to Paris. The restaurant is in the oldest inn of France and Julia would later remark it was "the most exciting meal of my life." The sole and duck are now legendary. Rouen was her first taste of French food and the beginnings of something great. Worth a look too are the Musee Des Beaux Arts and an instagram favorite – Musee de la Ceramique.

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Living And Raw Foods

The Largest Community On The Internet Dedicated To Educating The World About Living And Raw Foods.

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Monday, January 26, 2015

How To Write A Successful Food Truck Business Plan In 7 Days

This 7 Step E-course Will Guide Your Audience In The Right Direction. You Can Make Up To 55% In Commission Sales. Jump Into This Niche Product And Make Mind-blowing Earnings.

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Indulge in Napa Valley Restaurant Month

The Napa Valley is an oasis of culinary delight and fine wine exploration. There is no better place to uncover a plethora of flavors setting your taste buds on a delectable adventure through the valley’s amazing restaurants. Napa Valley

As some of the Napa Valley's finest eateries re-vamp in January 2015, Napa Valley Restaurant Month has moved to February, and with it comes an incredible selection of special culinary offerings that reflect the season and only happen once a year. Come sip, sup and savor the valley's finest cuisine and wines throughout February 2015.

The Napa Valley offers more Michelin-star rated restaurants per capita than any other wine region in the world and Napa Valley Restaurant Month offers are available up and down the valley. More than 30 of the valley's celebrated restaurants and resorts will showcase artisanal foods and the creativity of the area's renowned chefs with special multi-course Restaurant Month menus and offers. Dining offers often include optional wine pairings for a perfect marriage of wine and food that can only be found in the Napa Valley.

Valentine's weekend, February 13 – 16, 2015, is excluded from most offers and visitors are encouraged to review any date or other restrictions within each offer.

Napa Valley Restaurant Month highlights include:

  • Chef Tyler Rodde of acclaimed Oenotri offers a tour of Italy each week featuring a three-course dinner highlighting a specific Italian region. Each dinner will include a salad, pasta and dessert for $39 per person, exclusive of tax and gratuity.

  • The Boonfly Café at the Carneros Inn features a three-course dinner for $29 per person, exclusive of tax and gratuity, featuring cuisine that is based on the agricultural heritage of the region.

  • The Thomas at Fagiani's offers Michelin-starred chef Brad Farmerie's three-course dinner for $35 per person with an optional "$20.15" beverage pairing, exclusive of tax and gratuity.

  • Chef Victor Scargle of Lucy Restaurant & Bar at Bardessono offers a two-course lunch for $25 per person with an optional wine pairing, exclusive of tax and gratuity. Lucy Restaurant & Bar features fresh, innovative garden-inspired cuisine that embodies the Bardessono modern aesthetic and eco-spirit. Offer available Monday through Saturday.

  • In the same spirit of late night dining in France, Thomas Keller's Bouchon Bistro offers a "Late Night Dine & Drink," featuring three classic dishes appropriately paired with beverages each night between 9 and 11 p.m. Offers include Croque Madame & White Apron Ale for $20 per person, Duck Confit & Vin de Carafe for $25 per person, and Steak Frites & Vin de Carafe for $40 per person, exclusive of tax and gratuity.

  • For those who cannot wait until February, the city of St. Helena offers a Napa Valley Restaurant Month preview night on January 24, 2015 with "Celebrate St. Helena...A Restaurant Roulette." Guests will enjoy a sparkling wine reception at Caldwell Snyder Gallery and at the end of the reception, will participate in a drawing to discover the restaurant where they will dine that evening. After-parties follow at Caldwell Snyder Gallery and Goose & Gander restaurant. Participating restaurants include Archetype, Farmstead at Long Meadow Ranch, Tra Vigne, Press, The Culinary Institute of America's Conservatory, Market, Cindy's Backstreet Kitchen, Goose & Gander, Cook St Helena, La Condesa, The Grill at Meadowood and Farmer & The Fox.

  • Michelin star Chef Robert Curry of the Restaurant at Auberge du Soleil offers a two-course prix fixe lunch menu for $29 per person, exclusive of tax and gratuity, Monday through Friday.

  • Renowned Chef Larry Forgione's Conservatory Restaurant at the Culinary Institute of America at Greystone offers a "Freshly Foraged 4-Course Dinner" for $47 per person, with an additional $20 per person wine pairing, exclusive of tax and gratuity designed by Master Sommelier Robert Bath.

  • The Grill at Meadowood Napa Valley offers a two-course lunch for $30 per person, or a three-course dinner for $50 per person, exclusive of tax and gratuity. Both are available with a wine pairing option.

  • At Solbar at Solage, Michelin star Chef Brandon Sharp will feature weekday specials Sunday through Thursday. Offers change daily and include 50 percent off Club Solage member wines, oysters shucked to order, a lounge menu by the bocce courts and Chef's special fried chicken.

  • During the month of February 2015 Hotel d'Amici Ristorante will offer its special Thursday night Menu Fisso nightly. Every week will focus on a different Italian region and the four-course meal includes antipasti, primi, secondi and dolce for $38 per person, exclusive of tax and gratuity.

Napa Valley's gracious hoteliers and cozy Bed & Breakfast Inns have made it easier to stay a little longer for even more legendary culinary experiences with "dine-and-stay" lodging packages, offering comfort and pampering after a day exploring the valley during "Cabernet Season." A highlight of offers include:

  • The Napa River Inn offers a "Dinner is on us!" package, which includes $100 dining credit at nearby restaurants for each night's stay.

  • Villagio Inn & Spa offers a "Winterscape in Yountville" package, which includes two nights accommodations for two, "Chef's Choice" lunch for two at Michael Chiarello's Bottega Napa Valley, one autographed copy of one of Michael Chiarello cookbooks, two 50-minute wellness massages at Spa Villagio, daily Champagne breakfast and Afternoon Tea service, and a welcome bottle of wine. Rates start at $799 per night, exclusive of tax. Some restrictions apply.

  • St. Helena's Harvest Inn by Charlie Palmer offers a Max and Relax two-night experience and balance package for $859 per night, exclusive of tax, with a two-night minimum stay.

  • The Mount View Hotel & Spa in Calistoga offers a "Stay, Wine & Dine" package, which includes an overnight stay and a four-course pre fixe menu at Barolo Italian restaurant. Rates start at $249 per night, exclusive of tax and gratuity.

For more information on Napa Valley Restaurant Month, please visit

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Reverse Disease With The Power Of Alkaline Foods!

Use The Power Of Alkaline Foods To Help Your Body Reverse Disease And Aging. Eating A Diet High In Natural Foods Can Help Rid The Body Of Inflammation And Obesity. Membership Site Upsell Available.

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The Food Truck Truth

The Food Truck Truth Is Your Introduction To The World Of Owning And Operating A Food Truck And Is Written By A Real And Active Food Truck Operator. Inside, You Will Learn Everything: Planning Your Concept, Building Your Truck, Permitting And Branding.

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Prodotti per pasticceria e Cake designer: Alcioccolato Shop!

Tra il dire il fare, c’è di mezzo il mare. O meglio, per i provetti pasticceri c’è spesso l’enorme difficoltà nel reperire materiali e utensili, soprattutto se si vive lontani dai grandi centri, dove qualche negozio specialistico potrebbe comunque accomodare ogni tipo di nostra richiesta.

La risposta, almeno in questo caso, è Internet, e nello specifico Alcioccolato shop, un negozio con un enorme catalogo, che è in grado di soddisfare ogni tipo di richiesta, anche la più strana, presentando agli avventori non solo utensili di ogni tipo e genere, ma anche ingredienti (si, proprio tutti, anche i più strani e introvabili) per le nostre preparazioni a base di dolci.

Possiamo partire dalle sac a poche, sia riciclabili che usa e getta, per finire sugli ugelli per decorazioni, passando per un enorme numero di utensili, come gli stampi per panettone e pandoro, gli stampi per il cioccolato, stampi per cucchiaini al fondente, coltelli, taglieri ed ogni tipo di strumento che potrebbe aiutarvi nella preparazione e decorazione di torte, dolci, pasticcini, cioccolato e prodotti da forno.

Affianco all’enorme numero di utensili troviamo anche una scelta decisamente ampia di ingredienti, reagenti, farine, frutta candita, essenze, lieviti e reagenti chimici per la preparazione di quelle ricette che, essendo state concepite per l’alta cucina, richiedono l’utilizzo di ingredienti non convenzionali.

Tra voi e una pasticceria professionale anche se fatta in casa c’è la distanza di un solo click. Un click che vi permette di consultare l’enorme catalogo di Alcioccolato Shop e non solo comprare il prodotto di cui avevate estremamente bisogno, ma anche trovare nuove idee per le vostre successive preparazioni, incontrando tra il negozio e il carrello prodotti interessanti e dei quali, probabilmente, non avreste sospettato neanche l’esistenza.

Un autentico bazar dei prodotti per pasticcieri e cake designer, professionali e non, che vi permettono di fare quel salto di qualità che deve passare, per forza di cose, anche da una cucina più fornita sia con gli utensili, sia con gli ingredienti meno tradizionali e più difficili da reperire.

Siete pronti dunque per il grande salto? Fate visita ad Alcioccolato Shop e dite che vi mandiamo noi: ci mettiamo la faccia e vi diciamo, ancora una volta, che se qualcosa non è su Alcioccolato Shop, allora probabilmente non esiste.

Tutto, ma proprio tutto quello di cui hai bisogno e che hai sempre sognato: un autentica Mecca per chi fa di forno, fornelli e decorazioni il modo di espressione della propria vena artistica e del proprio talento.

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Fat Fighting Foods

Detailed Information On The Foods That Burn Fat. Excellent Conversions For Diet, Weight Loss And Fitness Niches.

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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Food Storage Made Easy Ebook: A Complete Guide To Getting Started

This Ebook Is A Valuable Tool To Help You Know What To Buy, Know How Much To Buy, And Know How To Actually Use Your Food Storage. Over 100 Pages Of Checklists, Recipes, And Articles All Designed To Help You Get Organized And Have Fun With Food Storage!

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Super Foods Library

This Is A Perfect Upsell For Your Health Related Products With A Massive 75% Commission

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Dog Food Secrets

Oct 2014: I'm Consistently Told By Affiliates Our Product Converts Higher Than Any Other Product In The Dog Niche, Including Training Products. We Now Also Have A Mobile Version To Drive Your Mobile Sales. 5th Edition Just Released!

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Celiacha: alcune ricette gustose e sfiziose

Celiachia: negli ultimi anni abbiamo sentito nominare sempre più spesso quest’intolleranza alimentare che colpisce ogni anno un crescente numero di italiani la cui responsabilità è del glutine, una sostanza presente in tantissimi alimenti (dal grano che si utilizza per pane, pizze e pasta all’orzo, farro, segale, camut…).

Evitare questi alimenti è l’unica soluzione per i celiachi per vivere serenamente, ma ciò non deve  indurci a pensare che i celiachi non possano soddisfare la loro gola con piatti belli a vedersi e ottimi a gustarsi.

Per questo, vediamo un paio di ricette facili, veloci da eseguire e, soprattutto, sfiziose, con alimenti adatti anche ai celiachi.

Ingredienti per 4 persone

300 g di tagliatelle all’uovo senza glutine

200 gr di salmone affumicato

mezza cipolla bianca

brodo vegetale

olio d’oliva e.o.

sale q.b.

Dopo aver lavato e tagliato a fettine sottili la cipolla, falla imbiondire in una padella, con un filo di olio; dopo pochi minuti, aggiungi un po’ di brodo vegetale e lascia cuocere, a fuoco basso. Nel frattempo, taglia a pezzetti il salmone e fallo cuocere nella padella con il brodo, aggiusta – se necessario – di sale.

Porta a bollore una pentola di acqua salata e cuoci le fettuccine. Quando saranno pronte, scolale e girale nella padella con il salmone. Se piace, cospargi del prezzemolo tritato e porta in tavola: buon appetito!

Ingredienti per 4 persone

10/12 fettine di petto di pollo

10/12 fette di pancetta

olio extravergine di oliva

sale q.b.

Prendi una fetta di petto di pollo, insaporiscila con un po’ di sale e arrotolala; metti il bocconcino ottenuto sull’estremità di una fetta di pancetta e arrotola il composto; quando avrai fatto, usa un paio di stuzzicadenti per tener fermo il tutto.

Ripeti l’operazione con tutte le altre fette. Prendi una padella e, dopo aver messo un filo d’olio, fai cuocere le fettine a fuoco lento. Servi in tavola e vedrai che piacerà molto a grandi e piccini!

Su abbiamo trovato tante altre gustose ricette senza glutine per celiaci e non.

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Survive Food Crisis

No. 1 Here We Come! Killer "survival" Product From The Guys That Gave You Homemadeenergy And Teslasecret. Pro Sales Page With Unbeatable Conversion Rates. Affs:

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Food Club, Coops, And Real Food Resources

Looking For Resources For How To Start, Find, Or Grow A Food Buying Club Or Cook And Enjoy Real Food? Want To Support Others Who Truly Support Sustainable, Local, Small Farms And Organic, Fair Trade, Green Companies?you Have Came To The Right Place!

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Dieta per l’ipertensione: tutti i cibi da mangiare

L’ipertensione o pressione alta è una malattia troppo spesso sottovalutata. Si tratta in realtà di un problema piuttosto comune che potrebbe causare complicazioni molto gravi. Nell’articolo di oggi vediamo qual è la dieta giusta per chi soffre di ipertensione, quali sono i sintomi, le cause e le possibili complicanze.

La pressione alta purtroppo non ha sintomi. Questo è un problema perché molte persone che ne soffrano non si accorgono di niente fino a quando non si sottoporranno a qualche esame di routine. Tuttavia alcuni piccoli segnali d’allarme potrebbero essere:

mal di testai giramenti di testanaso che sanguina

Questi sintomi però non si manifestano fino a quando la pressione non è arrivata a livelli pericolosamente alti, a tal punto da mettere a rischio la vita del paziente.

Prima di tutto chiariamo che esistono due tipi di ipertensione. Troviamo quella primaria e quella secondaria. Il 90% circa delle persone adulte che soffrono di pressione alta primaria non riusciranno a capirne le cause. Si sviluppa in maniera graduale nel tempo.

L’ipertensione secondaria invece compare all’improvviso ed è causato da una patologia di base. Potrebbe essere:

Malformazione cardiaca congenitaTumore alla ghiandola surrenaleProblema ai reniAssunzione di specifici farmaci come: medicine per il raffreddore, pillola anticoncezionale, decongestionanti.Assunzione di droghe come cocaina e anfetamine.

Sono stati comunque evidenziati alcuni fattori di rischio piuttosto comuni. Vediamo quali sono:

Ricordiamo che la pressione sanguigna tende a aumentare con l’invecchiamento.Eredità lasciata dai precedenti famigliari.Il sovrappeso influisce negativamente. Più alto è il peso maggiore è la quantità di sangue che serve per fornire di ossigeno i vari tessuti. La conseguenza è che aumenta anche la pressione sulle pareti delle arterie.Stile di vita sedentario.Il tabacco aumenta la pressione sanguigna e danneggia le pareti delle arterie.Eccessivo consumo di sale in cucina.Una dieta povera di potassio e di vitamina D.Abuso di alcol.Eccessivo livello di stress.Patologie come: diabete, apnee notturne, patologie renali e ipercolesterolemia.

è importante tenere sotto controllo la pressione sanguigna perché le complicanze dell’ipertensione possono essere molte. Ovviamente i pericoli aumentano maggiore è il valore della pressione alta. Vediamo quali sono i principali:

AneurismaDanni alle arterie, i quali possono portare a aterosclerosi, infarti e colpo apopletticoInsufficienza cardiacaRottura di un vaso sanguigno cerebraleIndebolimento dei vasi sanguigni dei reniIspessimento, rottura o restringimenti dei vasi sanguigni degli occhi.Aumento del colesteroloDisturbi cognitivi

Se soffrite di pressione alta ricordatevi che è essenziale rimanere sempre sotto controllo medico. Non dovete prendere alla leggera il problema. Oggi noi vi offriamo alcuni consigli generali da seguire in caso di ipertensione. Ovviamente prima di metterli in pratica confrontateli sempre con quanto detto dal medico.

Chi soffre di ipertensione deve assolutamente adottare un regime alimentare appropriato. La dieta svolge infatti un ruolo molto importante nella gestione della pressione alta. Molte persone in questo modo riuscirebbero a portare la pressione a livelli normali senza bisogno di medicinali. Spesso il medico consiglia appunto di rivedere l’alimentazione prima di tutto e di iniziare a praticare regolarmente sport. Come abbiamo visto la vita sedentaria favorisce l’ipertensione.

Nemico numero uno della pressione sanguigna è il sodio. Non è il suo consumo nelle giuste dosi il problema, ma l’esubero. Molte persone utilizzano in cucina a livello quotidiano molto più sale delle quantità consigliate. Come potete ben capire non c’è (quasi) mai bisogno di eliminarlo del tutto, si tratta in fin dei conti di un elemento indispensabile per insaporire piatti e pietanze, tuttavia è bene diminuire le dosi.

L’ideale è mantenere una dieta equilibrata. Chi soffre di ipertensione dovrebbe diminuire:

BurroOlio cottoZuccheroAlcolici e superalcoliciTutte le bevande gassate e molto zuccherateDiminuire il consumo di cibi fritti (circa una o due volte al mese)Carne arrostoCarne molto grassaDolciumiCioccolata (preferire sempre quella extrafondente)Mangiare solo occasionalmente la pizzaDiminuire i formaggi grassi

Questi consigli però non sono rivolti solo a chi soffre di ipertensione. In realtà possono essere visti come un primo passo per prevenire il problema. Soprattutto nei soggetti giovani, la maggior parte delle volte i valori alti della pressione sanguigna derivano appunto da uno stile di vita sedentario e un’alimentazione scorretta.

Per concludere quindi, vediamo quali sono i cibi che dovrebbero essere sempre presenti nella dieta di chi soffre di ipertensione (eccetto intolleranze, allergie o problemi personali).

Preferire sempre la carne bianca, come ad esempio il pollo.Si alla carne rossa purché sia magra e privata di tutte le parti grasse.I formaggi possono essere consumati purché non siano grassi.Aumentare l’assunzione giornaliera di frutta. Ricca di fibre e preziosa fonte di acqua. Si a albicocche, angurie, ananas, agrumi, fragole, kiwi, pesche, meloni e banane.Ridurre l’uso delle farine 00 e preferire quelle integrali. Hanno subito una lavorazione inferiore e non sono state private dei componenti nutritivi importanti. Lo stesso vale per il pane e la pasta.Consumate il pesce magro, ricordandovi sempre di avere un occhio di riguardo per quanto riguarda la provenienza.Si yogurt magri.Fate largo uso di verdure come: carote, sedano, asparagi, radicchio, carciofi, pomodori, cavoli, finocchi, cipolla, cavolfiori, cetrioli, lattuga, indivia, peperoni, lenticchie, patate e piselli.

Per uno stile di cottura sobrio e sano, ideale per chi soffre di ipertensione,  preferite sempre di cuocere ai ferri o al vapore, riducendo invece le fritture e gli arrosti.

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Saturday, January 24, 2015

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101 Toxic Food Ingredients - New Conversion Breakthrough

Easy To Sell This Product As It's An Ingredient Reference Guide That Helps Decode Toxins In Food Labels And It Fills A Gap In The Marketplace. Affiliates Converting 4-8% With $2.00 Epc's. Http://

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Triglie al forno

La triglia è un pesce di acqua dolce, dalle carni tenere e molto gustose. L’unico handicap è l’eccessiva quantità di piccole spine contenute, un po’ aprova di pazienza, poiché sono sottili e trasparenti che occorrerebbe estrarle con una pinzetta. Però, alla fine, il gusto vale la fatica! In commercio, nondimeno, è possibile reperire i soli filetti, anche surgelati e già spinati.

Si presta a differenti cotture, fra cui, la più consigliata è quella in umido o col pomodoro, sfruttandone tutto il gusto rilasciato nel condimento.

Oggi vi proponiamo una cottura al forno, con aglio, origano e pomodoro…

Triglie al fornoDisponi l'olio sul fondo di una pirofila da forno. Sistema le triglie, previamente pulite e lavate. Condisci con un bel trito di prezzemolo fresco ed il sale

Triglie con pomodoro e origano cotte al fornoAggiungi gli spicchi d'aglio sbucciati e tagliati a rondelle e la polpa dei pomodori, tagliata a pezzetti

Disponi le triglie pulite nella pirofilaCompleta con una generosa spolverata di origano ed irrora con un altro filo di olio

Condiscile col pomodoroPassa in forno preriscaldato per un quarto d'ora a 190° e servi le triglie belle calde e profumate

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Crema di formaggio fresco e olive

Oggi, amici di vi presentiamo una ricetta non veloce, ma velocissima!!! Una deliziosa CREMA AL FORMAGGIO FRESCO E OLIVE!

Questa preparazione è ottima per essere servita durante i vostri aperitivi, per accompagnare crostini, creckers, grissini, e fette di pane. Può essere un ottimo ingrediente per i vostri panini, si sposa molto bene con i salumi o per delle tartine. Perché non utilizzarla per farcire delle fettine di bresaola, prosciutto o speck e creare degli ottimi involtini!

Gli ingredienti in questo caso sono solo due: formaggio e olive nere. In questo caso, abbiamo scelto del formaggio fresco spalmabile, ma voi potete utilizzare della robiola, ricotta, tomini, formaggi di capra. In pratica potete creare ogni volta dei gusti nuovi cambiando semplicemente il tipo di formaggio, scenglendone uno più dolce e delicato o uno più aromatico.

Le olive nere poi, sono facilissime da trovare e hanno un costo molto basso. Se preferite, potete utilizzare quelle verdi, in salamoia, ma a nostro avviso le altre si sposano meglio con il gusto dei latticini.

Frullando questi due ingredienti otterremo una crema deliziosa, e non dovremmo nemmeno aggiungere olio o sale perchè sarà di sicuro molto saporito.

Vediamo la videoricetta passo passo

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The Art of Crafting Authentic Jamaican Rum

From just north of the equator, nestled in the heart of Jamaica, amid a crystal blue spring, rich red dirt and endless fields of sugar cane, is the Appleton Estate. This historic parcel of land in the island's famed Cockpit Country is Jamaica's "breadbasket," a uniquely fertile region that produces a stunning array of exotic fruits and vegetables, lush flora and fauna, and the sugar cane used to craft legendary Appleton Estate Jamaica Rum. Appleton

Rum is the pride of Jamaica, and an integral part of the Jamaican economy —Jamaica was the first country to produce the spirit commercially. The Appleton Estate is Jamaica's oldest continuously operating sugar estate and distillery, dating back at least to 1749. But the Estate's history may date back as far as 1655, when England took power of Jamaica from Spain. It's believed that Frances Dickinson — whose descendants are the earliest known owners of the Appleton Estate — took part in the conquest and the estate was part of the land grant made to Dickinson as a reward for his services.

Like wine, terroir has a significant impact on the quality and taste of rum. The Appleton Estate can claim terroir unlike anywhere else on earth. Spring water from the limestone hills on the property gives the rum a slight sweetness.The morning sunshine and afternoon rains offer a unique microclimate to grow a variety of sugarcane that imparts the fruity and buttery notes found in Appleton Estate rum.

Once the sugar cane is harvested, it is washed, cut, and milled to extract the juice, which is then boiled down to a syrupy molasses. Next, Appleton Estate adds a cultured yeast (a strain that has been passed down through generations) to convert the sugar into alcohol.

Distillation – the process of separating the alcohol in the "wash" from the water – is the next step. Appleton Estate uses two different processes to create distinct styles of rum. The "small batch" copper pot method has been used since the inception of rum-making in Jamaica. Using pure copper, and a specially shaped still, imparts an orange peel top note that has become the hallmark of the rum, and yields a more flavorful and aromatic liquid. Column distillation is a method that utilizes stainless steel stills to produce lighter distillate.

Rum improves with age, so next, Appleton Estate lets theirs rest in white "Number One Select" American oak barrels. The wood's permeability allows air to pass through and mellow the spirit. The rum picks up sweetness from cellulose in the oak, notes of vanilla, coffee, and cocoa from its flavonoids, and woody flavor from tannins. In addition, rums aged in tropical climates age more quickly than spirits in cool climates — one year in the tropics is equivalent to three years of aging in a temperate climate; therefore the flavor develops at a quicker pace.

One of the last steps is blending: Master Blender Joy Spence, the first female master blender in the world, decides which barrels have earned the right to be called Appleton Estate Jamaica Rum. The rums hand-selected by Joy are combined, each one adding its own distinct layers until a perfect balance is achieved. Lastly, the rum is left to "marry" so that all the flavors and aromatics can develop and harmonize.

The Appleton Estate range of award-winning, core rums include: Appleton Estate V/X Jamaica Rum (honey-colored, with notes of citrus and apricot), Appleton Estate Reserve Jamaica Rum (full-bodied and smooth, with hints of vanilla and nutmeg), and Appleton Estate 12 Year Old Jamaica Rum (deep bronze, with a bouquet of fruit and cocoa). You can also savor the Appleton Estate 21 Year Old Jamaica Rum (a mature spirit with a long brown sugar finish), and the limited Appleton Estate 50 Year Old Jamaica Rum (an exceptionally smooth blend with a honeyed oak finish). Each of these fine aged rums captures the warmth, passion, and unique spirit of Jamaica in every sip.

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Friday, January 23, 2015

Pair Fall Favorites With The Darker Side of Gnarly

Savor the best of harvest season with the perfectly timed, limited release of Gnarly Head’s Authentic Black. Crafted to be bold, full-bodied and juicy, this "Darker Side of Gnarly" pairs excellently with fall comfort classics. Gnarly Head Photo Courtesy of the Gnarly Head

Produced from grapes from select vineyards throughout Lodi, California, Gnarly Head’s Authentic Black was aged on oak for 12 months to craft a smooth and opulent red wine. In this region, where long summer days and cool nights provide the ideal climate for growing full-flavored grapes in well-draining sandy soil, you’ll also find local farms harvesting some of the autumn’s most cherished winter squashes; California also happens to be among the top states for growing pumpkins. With their rich texture, winter squash produce some of the most cherished soups of the season, from velvety butternut to curried pumpkin. Served with some rustic, old-world bread and the robust flavor of Authentic Black, these easy-to-make, one-pot recipes provide a hearty dinner that stands up to any cold night.

A traditional braise is a cooking technique that requires little effort, yet produces amazing results. Once mastered, it can turn even the most unseasoned cook into a master chef. The secret to its flavor is combining the fast sear with the slow simmer. The basic method is to sear the meat, such as a lamb shank, pork shoulder, or short ribs, and remove it from the pot before sautéing the vegetables. Next deglaze the pot with the braising liquid—which might even be a bottle of Authentic Black. When the browned bits from the bottom of the pot have dissolved, add the seared meat and cook at a low simmer until fork tender. This satisfying dish is prime pairing for the powerful, concentrated flavors of Authentic Black’s Petite Sirah-based blend.

Authentic Black was crafted for fall; true to its name, it opens with brooding aromas of black cherry and black licorice, making it an ideal pick for sparking some dinner conversation or simply cuddling up with a good book by the fireplace. Dark and inky in the glass, the juicy flavors of blackberry and plum are framed by hints of dark chocolate on the finish making it an excellent complement to a decadent dessert. Bring out Authentic Black’s lush tannins and dark fruit flavors with autumn-inspired desserts, such as a rich dark chocolate tart with a spicy gingersnap crust or an indulgent, layered Black Forest cake. Or, keep it simple with a bar of dark chocolate or a box of fine truffles.

For more information on Gnarly Head Wines, please find them on facebook:

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Cannelloni con spinaci, ricotta e besciamella

E’ una delle più comuni farce dei classici cannelloni di pasta o in genere di tutti i vari ripieni di pasta fresca…ricotta e spinaci. Ed è così che abbiamo farcito i cannelloni allestiti nella ricetta di seguito illustrata e descritta passo passo. Una copertura a base di ottima besciamella preparata in casa e via in forno per la cottura! Si ottiene una pietanza unica e completa.

DSC06542Versiamo sul fondo di un tegame l'olio d'oliva e vi facciamo stufare gli spinaci, regolando di sale

DSC06544Una volta raffreddati, li disporremo in una ciotola e li tagliuzziamo con l'ausilio di un paio di forbici. Amalgamiamo ad essi la ricotta

DSC06551Prepariamo una salsa besciamella nel modo classico, con 50 gr di farina, 50 gr di burro e 500 ml di latte, sale, pepe e noce moscata

Pasta ripiena con spinaci e ricottaPoniamo la pasta in forno preriscaldato a cuocere per una ventina di minuti a 190°

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Grow Your Own Super Fresh Foods

Worried About Your Food? Pack Of Three Guides, Grow Your Own Super-foods, Diy Wormery Manual & Self Watering Containers Combine In An Easy System To Give You Peace Of Mind. Grow More Healthy Food In Less Time, For Less Money Without Backbreaking Work.

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Kate Krader's Year of Awesome Eating

F&W’s restaurant editor Kate Krader looks back at? a year of eating out and recalls her craziest, ?most thought-provoking and most delicious moments. Fried Chicken at the Food & Wine Classic in Aspen Fried Chicken at the Food & Wine Classic in Aspen Sea Scallops at Bergen Hill

A small seafood bar with a great playlist becomes my go-to spot
When I lived in Brooklyn, I spent most of my time eating in Manhattan. Then a little place called Bergen Hill opened not too far from my apartment, and I found a new favorite neighborhood spot. In the midst of a boom in big Italian restaurants, Bergen Hill is a corner seafood bar with a smart, concise menu from chef Andrew D’Ambrosi. From a tiny kitchen, he serves inspired crudo like salmon with apple tzatziki, as well as lightly cooked dishes such as seared sea scallops with spicy agrodolce peppers and butternut squash puree (pictured). Bergen Hill has two other things I require from my local spot: a terrific wine selection and a great playlist. The latter is curated by co-owner Daniel Kessler (whose other job is guitarist for Interpol). We got to be friends, and every once in a while after dinner, we walk a block over to the legendary pizza spot Lucali and have pizza for dessert. 387 Court St.;

The year’s best fund-raising dinner party
I’m all for saving the world, but I’m pretty much done with fund-raising dinners. With a few notable exceptions (Mario Batali Foundation galas; Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation events), I would donate money just to skip the unappetizing food. Then, in April, I got invited to the Spring Benefit for Edible Schoolyard (which promotes gardens and healthy eating in schools). A vast space in downtown Manhattan was the setting for a legendary dinner party, with 23 of the city’s top chefs each preparing a special menu for his or her own table. Momofuku’s David Chang seared giant rib eyes; Mission Chinese Food’s Danny Bowien served a crispy-skinned suckling pig. There was no bad place to be in the room, but I hit the seating jackpot: the table presided over by the incomparable Ruth Rogers and her crew from London’s The River Café. Rogers prepared dishes I’d read about but never tasted, including toasted slabs of bread with November 2013 I Canonici olive oil, out-of-this-world anchovy-packed bagna cauda with spring vegetables and, best of all, deep, dense chocolate nemesis cake.

Epic evening with veggie burger goody bags.
It should surprise no one that Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson throws a great party. After all, the drummer entertains millions of people as bandleader for The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. And he’s obsessed with the creative community that the food world now attracts. “My salons are places for the best chefs to cook for people I know from various worlds: music, art, comedy, academia,” he says. (Chris Rock, Carl Bernstein, Björk and David Cross are some of the “people he knows.”) “The salons are parties, but they’re also master classes in how good food can bring people together.” Truth. This winter, Cronut creator Dominique Ansel previewed his ice cream–filled crêpe suzette “sushi,” flambéed to order. At Questlove’s spring salon, The Spotted Pig’s April Bloomfield served pan-smoked pigeon— legs with the claw attached, holding a bright green ball of spherified sweet pea soup, which exploded in your mouth when you bit into it. It looked dramatic and tasted delicious. Questlove is such a good host that the party had great goody bags, too: Brooks Headley’s to-go veggie burger for a late-night snack.

The best chefs in the world throw a surprise party.
“Shhh,” said René Redzepi. “Hide behind the wall.” When the world’s best chef tells me to do something, I comply. Obediently, I crouched down behind Ben Shewry, Magnus Nilsson and Blaine Wetzel, amazing cooks who had traveled from Australia, Sweden and Washington state respectively. They were among the 30 chefs from around the world who’d come to surprise their friend Wylie Dufresne at his avant-garde Manhattan restaurant WD-50. (It breaks my heart to say that WD-50 is closing this fall; Dufresne is looking for a new space, though.) The extraordinary event was organized by the unconventional chefs collective Gelinaz with help from S. Pellegrino. “Surprise!!” we yelled when Dufresne came in. And then we sat down with him to dig into 10 courses the superstar chefs had prepared in his honor. The astonishing dishes included shrimp noodles served on an ice block and hollowed-out apples stuffed with foie gras, but the most talked-about dish was a decadent bucket of fried chicken and biscuits. What made this riff on WD-50’s signature cold fried chicken so crazy? It was served with an insane amount of Petrossian caviar (every table got a giant tin), and each bucket was emblazoned with Dufresne’s face. Alongside was a pile of Kraft singles, the chef’s favorite cheese. “I just had caviar on American cheese,” Dufresne told me proudly. I asked how it was. “If you have to ask, I’ll have yours,” he replied.

Sex on the Beach Shots at Blackberry Farm

Plus a s’mores tutorial with Aziz Ansari
The luxurious Walland, Tennessee, resort Blackberry Farm is renowned for experiences like truffle hunting with adorable Italian-bred dogs. It’s also known for tours of its vast estate, where much of chef Joseph Lenn’s modern Southern menu is sourced, from salad greens to lamb to cheese (beer and whiskey is produced in-house, too). I didn’t realize that Blackberry Farm also makes the world’s best Sex on the Beach shots. I discovered this somewhere between exquisite white-barbecue-sauced quail and sweet roast shrimp, served with John Cope’s corn puree and smoky barbecue shrimp emulsion. The ’80s shots that appeared on the table were a gift from my buddy, the comedian Aziz Ansari, who was in town for a show and sitting nearby. They were the most ridiculous thing he could think of, but they were so good, I wanted to order more rounds. Instead, we found a luxe fire pit and Aziz showed off some unexpectedly good s’mores-making skills.

Fried Chicken at the Classic in Aspen

Three incredible Southern cooks join forces to create an off-the-charts cookout
There’s a lot of food to freak out about at the F&W Classic in Aspen. Our most recent class of Best New Chefs serve their signature dishes, while Grant Achatz creates miraculous edible green apple balloons and José Andrés runs around roasting pigs and slicing Ibérico ham. Still, I couldn’t believe my outrageous good fortune to be at a cookout with three of the South’s great chefs cooking side by side. Hugh Acheson, whose newest spot is The Florence in Savannah, was serving best-ever pimento cheese sandwiches, with crisp bread-and-butter pickles slipped in with the chunky, spicy cheese spread. It’s his version of the famed one served at the Masters golf tournament. “That recipe is kept in a vault; I cracked the code,” he told me. Alongside him was Mike Lata of Charleston’s The Ordinary, whose incredible Carolina oysters were smoked over hay, then barbecued and finished with fennel butter. Sean Brock, chef-owner of Husk in Nashville, was working the deep fryer, producing baskets of hot chicken. It had such a crispy crust, such lingering heat, I couldn’t stand it. “I took all my favorite fried chickens—Gus’s, Prince’s, some gas station versions—and here they are, in one,” he said.

Justin Timberlake and Ludo Lefebvre at Petit Trois

A star-studded omelet in Los Angeles
For months I followed the launch of Petit Trois in Los Angeles on social media. I watched chef Ludo Lefebvre and his partners Jon Shook and Vinny Dotolo transform a dingy Thai restaurant space into a softly lit bistro with black-and-white-tiled floors and an open kitchen outfitted with copper pots. People began talking about dishes on the casual French menu: confited chicken leg with brioche butter; steak tartare; insanely good bread and butter. Most of all, I heard about a Boursin cheese omelet. For dinner? I thought. Weird. (I don’t like omelets, and haven’t thought much about Boursin for a few decades now.) Lefebvre had different ideas. He grew up eating them—for dinner, not breakfast—in Burgundy. He also loves the taste of Boursin. “It’s the French Velveeta,” he says. “You find it in most French home refrigerators. And it melts so well.” Indeed it does. When I got to Petit Trois, it was the first thing I ordered. It arrived, a puffy omelet with airy eggs and creamy herbed cheese overflowing from the sides. But I felt a little late to the party. A few weeks earlier, Justin Timberlake had Instagrammed his empty omelet plate with the caption, “Los Angeles, you are NOT ready…. #PetitTrois.” In fact, JT (pictured, with Lefebvre) was sitting next to me the night I was there, back for another omelet. 718 N. Highland Ave.;

Awesome Duck Meal at Next

Fourteen brilliant courses at Next.
The server set down a stone bowl of batter-fried sweetbreads and banana coated in a thick caramel, and a bowl of ice-filled vinegar broth. “This dish is called Pulling Threads,” he said. “You’ll see why.” He instructed us to dip each caramel-coated piece in the vinegar for 10 seconds, then bite. The cold liquid turned the caramel into a crisp shell; the burnt sugar formed strings as we lifted the sweetbreads and bananas, giving the dish its name. It was one of the brilliant courses on the Modern Chinese menu at Next in Chicago from Dave Beran and Grant Achatz. A centerpiece was actually okra hot-and-sour soup; an array of five stacked bowls turned into Duck in Layers with juicy smoked slices of breast meat (pictured). A giant fortune cookie held the menu, a record of all the cool things I ate. 953 W. Fulton Market;

Learning to slurp noodles
I first read about Ivan Orkin—the Jewish guy whose ramen was a sensation in Tokyo—a few years ago in Lucky Peach magazine. Then he launched a series of sold-out pop-ups around New York City—at Momofuku Noodle Bar, at the Ace Hotel. I tried the superrich triple-pork mazemen (the brothless ramen) and even bought an Ivan Ramen poster, but I can’t say I truly understood the fuss. Finally, Orkin opened a sleek spot on the Lower East Side that looked like a diner, except for the giant comic book–style panels illustrating the art of the slurp. First I was captivated by monkfish-liver-packed dirty rice. Still, I was there for the ramen. My friends and I ordered all six options, and I became an Ivan Ramen convert. His Tokyo Shoyu has a rich soy sauce and chicken stock broth (I prefer not to know how much fat is in there) garnished with a mound of pork chashu, the marinated belly. The Spicy Red Chili Ramen had fantastic burn and an equally rich broth. Orkin’s noodles, made especially for him by Sun Noodle, have terrific suppleness. By the end of the night, I was loudly, proudly slurping my ramen. 25 Clinton St.;

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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Host An Epic Halloween Party With Gnarly Head Wines

Tis the season for extreme pumpkin carving, gnarly selfies, and bone-chilling haunted houses. Get into the spirit with an epic Halloween party and Gnarly Head Wines. Gnarly Head Photo Courtesy of the Gnarly Head

Halloween is one of the most popular holidays of the year—and not just for kids anymore. It turns out adults also want to make costumes, carve pumpkins, and turn their abodes into terrifying haunted houses. For this spookiest of celebrations, plan a ghoulish bash for friends and family complete with seasonal appetizers and great wines, like Gnarly Head Old Vine Zinfandel. Over the years, locals in Lodi, California, have noticed that around this time of year, the old gnarled vines which produce Gnarly Head take on an almost eerie appearance; some say, the unruly branches even look like a sea of hands growing from the soil.

In the planning stages, choose a theme, like Saints and Sinners, or say, Vampires Vs. Werewolves. Zombies are another recent fave—as in zombie cheerleaders, zombie superheroes, and zombie clowns. Download the new Gnarly Booth photo app, available on both the iTunes and Google Play app stores, and kick off all things ghoulish, spooky, and fun with this digital tool that "gnarlifies" your pics. Take a photo and then create an invite to send out at least two weeks beforehand. Then, in the days before the party, update your profile pic every few days to build buzz (think: gnarlified jack o'-lanterns; gnarlified pets; gnarlified friends).

About a week before, get down to the serious task of planning a menu and a beat-heavy playlist. Pour yourself a glass of Gnarly Head Old Vine Zinfandel and let the ideas flow. Keep your music choices upbeat so people will dance (or even do the monster mash). For another cool effect, jot down some classic Halloween movies to project on a wall; the kitschier the better, like silent black-and-white vampire flicks from the '30s. Of course, you’ll also want to have a solid selection of culinary tricks-and-treats for guests to sink their teeth (or plastic fangs) into, like bite-size pumpkin pies. For vino, Gnarly Head Old Vine Zinfandel is the perfect go-to with its rich core of dark raspberry and black cherry and layers of spice and chocolate.

Encourage guests to wear costumes—and to be creative with the theme. During the party, set up a Gnarly Booth, where guests can use the app to take wicked selfies on your tablet or smartphone; they can provide a continuous stream of party pics. For added fun, supply a few pumpkins for an extreme pumpkin-carving contest. The highly coveted prize? A bottle of Gnarly Head Old Vine Zinfandel to take home. This powerful wine, which is carefully crafted from full-flavored grapes grown on some of the oldest vines in California, is the ideal reward for intense competition.

For more information on Gnarly Head Wines, please find them on facebook:

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