Sunday, June 3, 2012

Great Tasting Italian Gourmet Cuisine

Italian Gourmet cuisine has to do with the territories inside of Italy and how these different territories prepare unique Italian dishes. For example more sea faring towns will often use a wide variety of gourmet seafood when preparing dishes, or areas that specialize in olives will employ olives into their cooking above other ingredients.

Cuisine is a word used to describe the particular menu of a country or even of a specific area. Breaking the country up into regions will allow a cook to better understand the areas and what they are known for and looking at the country of Italy as a whole is a good way to understand what this unique country has to offer in terms of unique Italian Gourmet Cuisine.

The whole of Italy is known for its pasta and at least in the United States stereotypically not much of anything else. However this is far from being the truth, as much of the food in Italy is as diverse as the people within it.

For example, many people do not consider seafood as being one of the chief ingredients in Italian Gourmet cuisine. Seafaring towns will use mussels, scallops, and many other different types of fish in cooking creating a unique cuisine for that area.

Also some areas are not for specializing in rustic pot dishes, such as pot luck type dishes, and making these the staple of that particular area. Some areas have grown out of poverty and some of the cuisine is based on putting together whatever was possible to have food on the table.

Cuisines grown out of these traditions, and Italy along with many other notable countries such as Norway, Sweden, and even France and England have adopted these traditions.

Another important thing to understand about Italian cooking is that this rich culture employs the use of many different types of vegetables, and some vegetables were not even present in the cooking until the finding of the 'New World'.

Italy uses vegetables such as eggplants, onions, herbs, and many other spices. Tomatoes were not even introduced to Italy until explorers brought them back, along with spices and some fresh herbs.

It's important to remember what is true traditional Italian is something that has grown from years of tradition and exploration and has built a cuisine that carries the people forth to present day.

Many celebrations are based around Italian Gourmet Cuisine, and it's the job of the master chef, the connoisseur of gourmet to look for these rich diverse recipes when searching for the finest in Italian Gourmet cuisine.

In short, a lot of things come together to build the cuisine for a country. As mentioned before exploration played a huge part, as well as local traditions, and local ingredients that were available at the time.

Without the people in these areas putting together what they had and working had to keep food on the table, Italy would not have some its richest and most diverse cuisine.

It is the ingredients, hard work, and transplantation of different foods that have brought together what is known today as Italian Gourmet cuisine.

Find mouth watering Italian Gourmet cuisine at: Italian Gourmet Cuisine []

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